Body rinse out for a sensitive vagina?

I recently have have a kidney infection, and ever since then my vagina has be easily irriated by certain detergents and soaps. The problem is I close to my clothes and body to smell good, so I am not sure what detergents or body wash that would be sensitive ample for my lady parts, haha.

Any suggestions would be really helpful.

Abdomin affliction!?

I have the same thing!

Unscented Dove works great. Use it on your adjectives body because anti-bacterial soaps will disinfect your vaginal area, which is bad because it throws rotten your bacterial balance creating infections and irritation. Wash your underwear with unscented child detergent, because it's really gentle.

I find that wearing thongs is irritating down there, so wear thongs sparingly. Breathable, cotton underwear is best.

If you shave down in that... Don't use shaving cream. Its highly irritating. Use Dove.

MOST IMPORTANTLY- This will change your world--- find a strength food store and buy a very strong probiotics supplement. Probiotics are healthy microbes that help your body function. Antibiotics severely reduce nutritious bacteria, making your lady bits irritated- and I assume you've be on antibiotics for your kidney infection.

You may spend $30 on the good quality ones, but they made ALL the difference contained by the world for me!! They are worth EVERY cent! This is what I used: "Ultimate Flora" brand for "Vaginal Support"

You can buy it online or your health food store could order it if they don't own it. I think I paid $30. But I would hold paid triple that for how it helped me. Keep it cooled. I took 3 a day for the first three days, then 2 pills a afternoon for the next four days. Then I just took 1 a year. You can't overdose on good bacteria. THIS WILL HELP YOU!! I PROMISE!

Birth control?

I suggest you try a product call "Summer's Eve Feminine Wash". It's specially formulated not to irritate nor upset the normal pH of the vaginal area. They've even created a lower product for the body, "Summer's Eve Body Wash".

Look for both in the feminine care products aisle of your local drug store or pharmacy-- even most grocery stores transport them.

Good Luck.

Bra size oblige please?

Well .. dont wash it with any body shower purify .. there are apecial products for those lady parts that are so lenient to the area , u can find them at any drug store ..
And dont buy those with perfume in it .. buy the ones that have no smell cuz urz is sensitive

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My wife uses Summer's Eve feminine mop up for sensitive skin when she washes her vulva (you shouldn't wash your vagina- the internal parts) and have no problems.

What was/is this? im kinda worried and embaressed?

hey email me

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