Women and girls abet?

I have my 15 year old physical surrounded by a month. I want to start using tampons but I'm really nervous to and I don't know why. I want to ask my doctor her opinion on tampons, so that I'm not as disconcerted and can try them. Is this strange to ask my doctor about tampons? especially at my age? Also, how could I ask her?

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Go ahead and ask! Doctors hear all sorts of question like these every day. Its extremely good that you're asking for advice and getting another inference.
Around the end of the physical, she will usually ask if you have any question for her, but if she doesn't, near the end of the appointment is fine. Just ask her what in that is to know about tampons because you are considering trying them.
If you play any sports or want to go swimming on your interval, tampons are really great. I hope you find whatever protection works best for you!
Good luck!

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I don't think it's strange. If you enjoy a caring doctor, they will welcome your question. I'm sure the doctor will explain to you the proper way to use tampons. Several years ago there be a lot of press on the subject of tampon use and that some users have gotten an infection. However the cause was due to the users not using proper hygene while using the tampons. I remember one fussy person was said to enjoy left one in for over a month. (I rolled my eyes at that one) and vigorous guffaw.
Personally, I prefer pads. To me tampons always seem to be more messy to me. And too, I always got this picture within my head of a tampons being close to a cork in a bottle. Course, thats just me. Oh! I suggest relating your doctor that you want to ask them a question but that you feel faint-hearted talking about it. The doc will take. Best wishes.

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It's not weird to ask your doctor these kinds of question. They are there for you to ask. I would be honest with the doctor and bring up to date her what you want to do and that you are nervous. She will probably give you some suitable advice.

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if you want to start using tampons then use it. no it not unusual to ask your doctor. just be like how do i use a tampon? is it okay for me to sstart using a tampon?

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You shouldnt be twitchy tampons are wonderfull i wear them all the time for sports. dont feel grotesque about asking your doctor they are paid and trained to be asked that sort of stuff.

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i know how u be aware of if u think u are ready after go for it it might be not comfy fist thought

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