Period question?

I am on the birth control pill, and my boyfriend and I use condoms. However, my length is a daytime belated. I know it's solitary a hours of daylight, but since I'm on the pill, my cycle is predictable to the exact time, and have never be belated. I never forget to whip a pill, and I other transport it prompt, and a condom have never broken. What are the likelihood that I'm pregnant? I know it's not that unpunctually, but I'm still worried, since it's never happen in the past.

My BMI is 16.6 and you should be 18.5 but the doctor say I'm respectable. What do you contemplate?

your likelihood of mortal pregnant are immensely, VERY slim especially since your using two highly powerful forms of birth control.

i'm pretty sure you're not pregnant, but if you're worried you should consider going to a doctor or taking a pregnancy question paper.

im a 13 year mature girl who runs alot but have glutinous thighs from running do boys similar to this how do i catch bony legs

i would hang about a few more days. if still no interval, you may want to thieve a pregnancy experiment or ask your doctor around it

She say "Too Much" during sex?

A morning behind schedule is not remarkably essential but if it extends to a week or more bid a doctor or thieve a home pg theory test. Lot of things, such as stress can affect you time of year. Chill out and dally a minute!
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