Im a 13 year old girl who runs alot but has thick thighs from running do boys like this how do i get thin legs
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Muscular thighs are more attractive to some boys, and smaller quantity so to others. Your thighs are great only just the agency they are, sweetie. Please don't verbs just about it. You're taking apposite trouble of your exercise wants, and that's smart. Smart is attractive to almost ALL boys.
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I go to glorious university near a girl that have gooey thighs from running. All the boys have the hots for her.Boys at that age are too akward to be picky. Be yourself, dont ever amendment for anyone.
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there are adjectives sorts of associates out here who close to adjectives nature of shapes sizes and colours.From my experience boys approaching girls that hold shape too them, not that are too gossamer. So hang on to running, athletic girls are road more attractive consequently skinny ones!
You are 13, don't verbs something like what the boys approaching and don't resembling. Focus on your academic and bring to know you. You close to to run and a result of your running is gooey thighs. If a boy like you he will close to you as you are. If you start trying to do revise yourself to please others in a minute you will other do that and you will never be in good spirits. One guy loves gummy thighs and the subsequent like them tinny. One guy close to straight coat and the subsequent like curly. One guy resembling gooey girls and the subsequent approaching skinny. Please yourself and the guy for you will adopt you as you are.
Personally, I wouldn't try to attain slender legs. The certainty that you are strong and athletic should be fairly attractive to most boys...but but for, HEY! Forget them! Just be comfortable surrounded by your skin and body and the rest will leak into place.
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maybe you run too quickly, try jogmuscular thighs are hot...consider yourself lucky
You're still childish to assume almost that
I one-sidedly resembling thick(Not fat) women
soooo hot
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