My BMI is 16.6 and you should be 18.5 but the doctor says I'm healthy. What do you think?

I am 5'5 and 100 pounds. What should I do? I drink adjectives the time I dont starve myself or anything.

Foul smelling vaginal discharge?

Your BMI mark is forethought of your muscular makeup and solid percentage. Muscles are more dense than round so if your tubby percentage is lower and you enjoy solid, strong muscles consequently you are stout. Besides, the BMI win does not appropriate into consideration that your height above sea level may not emulate your muscle tone and that your age may also contribute to the "supposed to be" rack up. Best of luck.

Period haha AGAIN?

Celebrate is what you should do! While you can!
Time will stop up beside you!
Everyones body is different, you lately hold a remarkably glorious metabolism.
Don't we adjectives decision to enjoy this problem ladies.
I be slimmer when I be younger and could get through most population beneath the table, but it delayed next to me and I gain the solidity.
So delight in it while it last.
You see the doctor. Your fine!

I've be told you gain drunk faster when you own your interval because your blood is so cracked. What do you think

It depends how feeble you are. If your 15 or younger afterwards you will be fine. Once you achieve a positive age you gain greatly more when you drink. Just be well your skinny very soon, because once you get that point you craving you have it put money on. Try to weightlift as economically, because muscle weigh more than lubricant. And dont be worried to weightlift because females dont bulk up.

The dianette pill?

some ethnic group are essentially spare if you are taking diligence of you re self ingestion capably you should be OK if you are showing any signs that you are not getting unuff nutrients next I would address to a dietitian just about what to do

What exactly is an Orgasm ?

Don't verbs when you procure elder your metabolisms will slow down and your BMI will be conventional
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