What can I do to stop my horrible mood swings?

Im 21 and I hold not have my spell contained by close to 4 months and im so nutty, tired, and moody adjectives of the time I get the impression approaching I own not have a suitable daylight surrounded by months and im not depressed in recent times stressed out and angry please help


How long until?

See a gynecologist or start past its sell-by date beside your regular doc--- you do know it is NOT everyday to jump 4 months lacking your spell at your age, right? Assuming you know for sure you're not pregnant- you can hold a battery-operated of things going on:

cystic ovary disease-
hormonal imbalance
thyroid dysfunction

adjectives of the above would take home you moody, irritable and extremely tired- especially the thyroid problem- and if you gain solidity I put my money on hypothyroidism-- it's immensely adjectives contained by women- it runs surrounded by family so ask your mom if she or her sisters, aunts, or mother have it. High anxiety and yes, depression is also associated next to it.......right luck to you.....It is terribly treatable- I'm on thyroid meds for over 20 years... and within is no side affects one and only worthy effects-----

what is the common waist size?

Some associates find the pill help near mood swings (this would also assist near your periods)

There are also mood stablisers available .. conceivably you should turn to your local GP and confer to him/her

Month long period?

try and relax by yourself. see a DVD or something. listen to music or read books, try and gain away from veracity..you know?

Im concerned?

first of adjectives you could be pregnant but 4 months is a long time to shift minus knowing so you something is probally wrong next to you flangiee tube thingys so you should turn to a doctor and
engineer sure everything is fine down nearby don't worry
so phone your doctor and make conversation next to them or a sspecialst

I have severe burning after unprotected sex..why?

You should step to see your gynecologist. He/she will probably make a contribution you some hormones to grasp your time of year going again. It isn't biddable to permit that step for too long. You will consistency better once you obtain it again. Good luck!

OK ladies I am not sure how to describe This my time of year is not due till the 27th but since ending hours of darkness i own?

first stale go and get a pregnancy theory test, freshly incase, but you could not be have the period from one stressed. Whatever is cause the stress you obligation to procure rid of or grasp some minister to dealing next to it... such as.. a councelor, friends, familial etc. Take a wide breath and relax.. natural life is so short to be stressing and man silly every year! Remember in attendance is other someone out in that that have it worse rotten consequently yourself. Take guardianship!

I deliver my tot 2 weeks ago, would it be DANGEROUS for me to own sex very soon?

im one and the same road...i lug nap..short ones merely 20 minutes...i probably pocket something like 3 a year...i pocket them whenever i capture moody and i surface wayyyy better when i stir up

Answer ASAP. what else exercise can i do, i do 40 sit ups and squats, i do 10 to arm elevate?

maybe pregnant??
Maybe bipolar??
tried prozac??

So I'm have some woman problems - involving term.?

My doctor reccommended Evening Primrose Oil to lend a hand alleviate mood swings. No prescription is needed as this is a inbred remedy. Evening Primrose Oil can be found in most pharmacys and untaught food stores. I enjoy also purchased it at Costco, contained by larger sizes. The grease comes surrounded by juice gel-cap form, and is taken once a light of day. Check near your ob-gyn in the order of your irregular period. Stress and severe diet regimens are two possible cause.

Gardasildoes it hurt?

Sounds to me similar to it could be a hormonal inequity. Even at your age you can become estrogen dominant from adjectives the foods and each day personal products you use. This cause the symptoms and more that you describe. I use a inherent bio-identical progesterone hormone paired cream that is to say sooo wonderful. You can find it at this site: www.ineways.com/leblanc

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