What is the normal weight for a 5'1" woman?

I am only just wondering, because I am not that loftiness, but a friend of mine is and she is fairly starchy at the moment and she swears she wants to lose 200 pounds. I cannot believe that could be true and I of late want to know what typical immensity is for that rise because although she is comparatively solid, I don't see how she could lose that much and still hold anything departed.

Anyway, she is asking me for some facilitate for concept to support her and I newly get thinking in the order of it here again this morning and a short time ago wondered...

You don't want to update me adjectives the stuff give or take a few how to lose immensity. I already know that stuff -- purely wondering what is common at that height above sea level (I am a LOT taller than that, so I enjoy no idea).

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105-137 This is from the consignment watchers website. If you put within a plane and age, it calculate an appropriate extent. It can ebb and flow greatly, some ancestors are fluently heavier, but are still sound.

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She's 5'1'' and desires to lose 200 pounds?! If she even weights 200 pounds I can share you she is grossly overweight.

There's no such entity as a "normal" cargo, but for that echelon I'd guess anything from 100 - 120 pounds unless you're going for an anorexic look.

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Check beside BMI calculator.

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Go to a site that calculate how much you should weigh.
All you involve to put within is how old-fashioned you are, your sexual category, your freight, and stuff approaching that. Google it, and you will find a site that can narrate you how much she should weigh.

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See height/weight chart relation below.

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I presume 90- 100 lbs is the just right shipment for that altitude. I am 5'2" and I weigh 110 which is the just the thing substance.

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I'd infer anywhere from 100 pounds to 180ish :) I doubt she'd have need of to lose 200 pounds o.o... but really your counterbalance vary and to own a "typical weight" is a bit too much to ask for.

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A woman 5'1" should be between 105 to 136 lbs depending on her body type.

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I'm guessing anywhere between 98 and 131 lbs is in well catalogue for someone at 5'1. Of course if she is of extremely small bone structure or greatly muscular and atheletic she could weigh a touch smaller quantity or more than that.

At 200 lbs and 5'1 she have a BMI of 37.8 which is grossly overweight no issue how one puts it. If she desires to loose 200 lbs than she must be over 300 lbs robust, which can be possible for some greatly poorly individuals.

If she is that large or even if she is overweight at adjectives, she should speak to a doctor surrounded by her nouns. Obesity is a growing epidemic in America and while we adjectives come contained by different shapes and sizes, man overweight is not one of them. It's repulsive because along next to corpulent comes trunk vigour issues.

At this point, speaking near a doctor would be best because someone who is obese wishes to pocket into commentary condition issues that are or could arise from exercise and diet. Swimming and insubstantial walking should be not detrimental for the moment, you can do that beside her, but really stir up her to communicate to her doctor more or less her diet and exercise. Coming up near a proper diet and exercise regime should be her number one priority. Her doctor should be more than cheery to speak to her roughly speaking her substance problem.

She may also involve to see a psychologist for a possible ingestion disorder. Bulimia and anorexia are not the single consumption disorders that exist. Over consumption or compulsive consumption is another disorder that nation develope and can be a short time ago as devestating.

Good luck to you and your friend!

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wow, i be reading adjectives the answers and in a minute i grain resembling my mom and i are extremely underweight or something
but be not haha
the doc say be in shape weight
im 5'2 and 89 pounds
and mom mom is 5'5 and 115 pounds

so if your 5'1 perchance close to 95 pounds is run of the mill?

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98lb-132lb according to height/weight charts. However, some folks may slump outside this span due to differences contained by build and body composition.
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