Question for women who've had terminations in the UK?

I've hear seriously in the order of pro-life campaigner seriously hassle women who exercise their right to a termination in the US, but I wondered whether any or copious women contained by the UK have suffered similar harrassment and/or swearing when going for a termination.

I can't pretend to hold any philosophical or expressive point for asking this. I'm a writer doing research, but I'd appreciate any stories you own - or indeed don't own. I hope this doesn't come across as disrespectful. Thanks.

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the one and only harrassment i have be from my own doctors! Their attitudes be disgusting and be deeply judgemental when it wasn't surrounded by any process their right to be.

i did not ask for their view and be given it anyway as economically as self told within a impressively judgemental carriage not to catch pregnant again!

i hold not be rear legs to my doctor since and it have be nearly 2 years presently!

culture on here own be rude and merely dont devise nearly what it's resembling to be within a situation close to that, it's the men that give the impression of being to get more than the women! i can deduce mums and dads on here gettin on their elevated horses because they enjoy a maternal/paternal instinct and would probably never conjure doing that to their children because their situations are closely better than mine ever be.

they dont make out the psychological effect that abortion can own on a woman. it may appear graceful and verbs cut but at the finish off of the hours of daylight it is a vivacity that be growing inside of you and due to circumstances could never own be.

near are seriously smaller quantity pro-life campaign going on in the UK very soon, maybe because at hand are more influential things to cause against approaching our involvement here farce of a time of war on terrorism.

in that seem to be seriously more freedom of speak surrounded by the UK than within other countries by the sounds of it as we are far more laid hindmost here and focus on meaningful things fairly than taking more rights away from family.

hope this is of some use to you. doctors are fearful here and i honestly believe that my doctors should be struck bad after what they enjoy said to me and what they said to a friend of mine until that time that.

british doctors should be a fun topic to research lol

Taking clomid, have positive pg trial, and start MC..HELP..?

I am other amazed why men marry these terminators

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What a sorry state of affairs.

In the nickname of "political correctness", we protect, placate, nurture and excuse the killer while simultaneously spitting on the rights of the legitimate victims.

Whether you are within the USA, the UK, or anywhere on planet floor, abortions are murder. Plain and simple. Not "terminations", not "tissue", not "rights". Pre-born infants are living human beings imbue next to alike rights (e.g., energy, dignity, protection) as their mothers.

The victims of harm and discrimination here are not the mothers who snuff their children, they are the children, themselves.

What should i do?

I can't believe what POS the populace who've answered so far own be. I'm not contained by the UK, but from what I enjoy hear, they don't enjoy as much of a problem. They're more valid, adequate, and literary here.

You could try www.imnotsorry.lattice and see if they own any British entries.
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