Help little white things in my poo?

Ok when i poo theres close to little white wriggly things in my poo
those read out they are call thread worms but here minging how did i bring back them and how do i receive rid of em

To go and get on the pill?

Go to the doctor and go and get a stool tryout done.

Is it deleterious to hold sex while you own a bladder infection?

i almost threw up reading that...seriously. that really sucks

Ortho Evra support please?

Go to a doctor

What is the best press grease to us when giving you wife a home chafe?

Get to your doctor asap...and transport stool token beside you if you can (that channel they won't enjoy to collect one from you). Internal vermin can be hugely serious. Deal next to this right away!

Why do I procure so hot and sweaty when I'm on my spell?

it's probably from drinking pork that's not cooked adjectives the agency through. those worms grow contained by our stomach you should run to your doctor

I'm 13 & perceive approaching I don't enjoy any gusto anymore?

If you can stand to loaf, their lifespan is controlled and they will be in motion away on their own. That is, if you don't reinfect yourself. When I be young at heart, I have them several times and never get treated. Here is some information:

Low Blood pressure?

GO TO A DOCTOR!! Get some medication from him or her. Then you will procure rid of the worms, you any ate some irregular or unprocessed meat, or [which I doubt] you did some work contained by a garden and sit on the dirt and they go up your rectum.

I only just started getting a brown discharge, and I haven't have my time of year nonetheless. What is the brown discharge..

You can attain worms from pets, dogs, cats, etc... You should be in motion to the doctor and enjoy him hand over you medication for it, most probable your total relations, that lives within one and the same house, will own to be checked and also win drug, you should also swab and disinfect sheets, towels, clothes. Take pets to the vet to capture them dewormed. Make sure to rinse hand thoroughly after using the bathroom or after handling pets.

If you hold to cart a stool testing and you're on your term. Do you own to dawdle until you're done?

Go to your Drug store and make clear to them you enjoy worms. I don't believe that any perscription is needed. undercooked/bad meat.

Well I go to the dr. for my bladder infection and they could not find anything wrong.?

why did you put this on here? you freek! move about to the doctor duhhh


stop consumption so much rice you asian =] basically kid.

painful and sore vagina after sex?

Go and see your doctor-they should grant you something.

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