How much are you supposed to weigh if u r 5'4 and 15?


My mom requirements me to receive a check to see if im still a virgin?

Check out your sound cargo collection by using a BMI calculator. Just enter your rise and counterweight and it will notify you if you are within a appropriate breadth for your rank.

Can someone speak about me roughly their experience next to a IUD?

I be almost 115-120 at that age, and I'm also 5'4.

This girl have mono?

i used to weightiness around 110 when i be 15 and i have that same rank. presently i'm 20 and i substance 120 so i guess it's what make u surface confortable. only just be good!

If my mom get her time of year at 14, does that mesn that i also will enjoy it at that age?

I would read aloud 120-130lbs would be a strong counterbalance.

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It depends on the structure of your body.

Can you get hold of pregnant on the 1st hours of daylight of your length when you use a condom?

I would right to be heard 120 pounds, a bit more than explicitly ok too.

Non surgical passageway of getting bigger breasts?

About 125-130 lbs.

Are in attendance any form professionals on here? TMI Warning!?

75 pounds?


about 110-140

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If you're concerned nearly your counterbalance at a indisputable age and rise, try a BMI calculator, approaching this one here: It will recount you if you are underweight, overweight, or freshly right. Personally, I wouldn't know, since I am taller than 5'4".

Will i be ok?

You are ultimate exactly as you are!

Im 19 wher hold my period gone and why wont my doctor help out till im 25?

if you are drinking robust and getting a moserate amount of exercise likelihood are you will means of access exactly what your body is expected to hand is no illusion number...

What could end in menstruation to come inside 2 weeks of later bleed?

any where on earth between 100 and 130

How can I catch over depression?

you should weigh give or take a few 130 dont verbs if smaller quantity.

is at hand anything you can nick to stop your term..I am going on trip ?

around 95-100lbs

Some bra question? Girls simply?

110-140 is considered common shipment for a creature of your echelon.

Does stretching decrease broad shoulders?

Around 60 kilos I would regard as.

Robbed at the Hospital!! Help!?

Ideal Body Weight (IBW) = 45.5 (for females) + (2.3 x 4 (# of inches > 5')) = 54.7 kg = 120.34 lbs. Maybe smaller amount than that since you're younger. More muscle mass will gross you weigh more though.

Would acceptance giant doses of estrogen put a childlike girl into menopause?

you hold to be almost 110 pounds.

what is your most fertile daytime ? how do u count from the first hours of daylight of your length?

Weight doesn't situation. Some of the heathiest ethnic group contained by the world weigh profusely because muscle weigh more than solid. So work on making your body chubby percentage turn down. Your doctor can do that assessment, and furnish you a number.

am i ok??

5'4 and 15 I am 5'4-14 i weigh 125 but i'm a guy a girl 105 I don`t know

Where r the clitoris located?

between 100-130 pounds it depends of the caracteristics of your body and your see too

Embarrassing request for information to chat roughly speaking?

Well honestly if your below 18 you should ask your doctor that. The one and only point I can put in the picture you is that if your between ages 18-25 and 5'4 your minimum counterbalance should be no lower than 117 pds. and maximum at 134 pds. You can also check your bodymass index which will relate you if you are basically right, over wieght or underweight. I disappeared the connection below. Hope I be of backing:)

can you be pregnet if you have sex on your term?

Normal cargo rank should be 110# to 120# But consignment is not the wrapping up adjectives when it come to vigour - % of grease vs. muscle is impressively influential --- as is the cholesterol values surrounded by ones body.

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