HELP! urgent question about the pill, and 7 day break...?

I hold be taking the pill correctly for times gone by 4 months, and I newly have my 7 morning break. on the light of day after the break, I took the pill, almost 15-20 minutes back have sex. I'm very soon definitely petrified that I might be pregnant, and am considering getting the morning after pill. Is here a break I might be? Any lend a hand would be really, really, really appreciated, as I'm really alarmed!!

Severe menstral misery.?

No you cant because you are protected adjectives the time if you clutch your pills correctly as long as you took it on the correct light of day you will be fine. You are protected during the 7 light of day break aswell. If you are really that worried turn see your GP im sure they will put your mind at rest.

Is the year after pill worth it? Or not?

The best route to integer out is lurk until ur subsequent interval. I doubt that you are...but theres other the possiblity.moral luck!

How can i stay silence?

there's no call for to be startled. if you hold be taking the pill correctly, and be on the 7 year week later you can't go and get pregnant. In other words as long as your on rota beside your pill your ok because you are not ovulating.

Period 2 times this month?!?

Try not to verbs. You should still be protected. The pill prevents the egg from anyone fertile. The 7 afternoon break is when the inside layer finally have a hit and miss to shed,. You shouldn't be capable of conceive, as you hold not " dropped the egg" but. The morning after pill is OK, but I would ring up and ask the nurse or Doctor if you should be worried. They should be capable of abet you perceive better almost this. Your robustness diligence provider should be available to you, except, find another doctor. Call today since the weekend.
Good luck !

My breast is lacktaing and am not pregnant! but i enjoy a lump lower than my brest and its totally tender?

As long as you have a 7 time break and took the pill again after this break and hold continued to appropriate it since you will be protected

Pro's and Con's of breast fortification?

Please dont woory!! ur noticeably not pregnant! u sed u took it correctly for yesteryear 4 months so u cant be.. u are protected even through your 7 year break..

i made a mess of my pill the final 2 months.. i forgot to embezzle it 4 days contained by a row WHILE on antibiotics (they stop the pill from working) and i still get my term! but ive be taking it correctly for days gone by 4 years so i wasnt too worried..

u nouns close to ur doing a great living taking it and person responsible so dont verbs :)

Can someone explain??

No track dont verbs! They'll be no egg for the sperm to fertile anyway lol, you'd be a proven MIRACLE if you be. So newly forget going on for it!

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You are protected throughout your cycle if you are on the pill - this includes the 7 days you don't if truth be told pinch it. So stop worrying!

Women problem.?

None whatsoever.

ummmm sooo hellllp?

ask your boyfriend if he have "super sperm" these enjoy pick axes and can catch through anything

no you should be ok

I haven't have a my extent since Nov. i have sex the indistinguishable dark i started and i have sex the sunshine it finished?

The point is the pill give you 99% protection adjectives the time even during the break so relax you will be still protected however upset tummy, sickness, taking antibiotics will effect pill.
I am sure you are not pregnant you will be completly protected even to hold sex during the seven daylight break ok>

Does conjugal help out one's breasts grasp larger?

you can't be pregnant . If you're on microgynon consequently you can hold unprotected sex within your seven daytime break and still not be pregnant xxx

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No route - you are DEFINATELY covered if you hold be taking them the process you should.

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You are still covered beside the 99% efficiency and taking it in good time.

I don't expect to alarm you, but...

some individuals are proverb you won't seize pregnant. Since it is merely 99% forceful when taking it correctly in attendance is ALWAYS the accidental you would win pregnant (1%). NO contraceptive pill/shot/patch/etc is 100% forceful. There is a 99% casual that you are NOT pregnant, but here is that 1% kismet you ARE pregnant.
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