My progestrone level is very low .how can i increase it ?

i am also have problem wid my ovulation .presently on 100 mg clomid .

Strange discharge infection?

If you are on Clomid, consequently you should step to the Dr. who have you on it, is this a fertility specialist? If he have tested you for your hormone level after I am surprised he doesn't hold you on a progesterone suppository. I have this problem & so enjoy lots of my girlfriends. The crucial time to check this stratum is right after your ovulation time. To breed this simple, the thicker your corpus luteum is, the better your probability are that your egg will entrench & you will take pregnant. The 2 successful ways to bring to the fore this is to any rob a progesterone pill, which is usually compounded by a pharmacy, or to pilfer it day after day as a suppository. My Dr. said that these are the fastest & most effectual ways. The cream isn't a angelic thought. No issue what, gain a prescription for this don't lately buy something over the counter. I am not sure of your age or what your problems are in becoming pregnant, but Clomid is well-mannered but, within the adjectives you might ask your Dr. around some other injectable Fertility drugs. I know alot of empire who own righteous luck near Follistim. That conceivably down the road for you but, posterior to the grill at not do anything lacking your dr's ok. You entail to address your progesterone level anyway, because if you be to draw from pregnant you may requirement to supplement this anyway, due to the increased opening of miscarriage next to low level. Good luck & I hope you return with appropriate word soon on a pregnancy!

HAS ANYONE EVER TRIED THAT COLON CLEANSE? did you be aware of better or lose cargo?

I'm not sure which one clomid is. Have you tried different brands of birth control?

How frequent time do you do the sex?

I own progesterone cream that I rub on my skin every hours of darkness for duplicate problem. It is call Progensa20.
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