My breast is lacktaing and am not pregnant! but i have a lump under my brest and its very painful?

my vanished brest lackates and bleeds from the nipple, i enjoy have this problem for acouple of yrs very soon i own be to a dr. and they cant give the impression of being to find out whats wrong i really hope some one can minister to me because am tired of getting the run around from my dr i flock this can front to cancer but i dont know though
but if any one can make a contribution me a pious answer afterwards god bless you cuz am lone 20 yrs mature and i dont want this to receive any wrose afterwards what it is already is am in recent times hopeing i can procure this cured up sted of worring my enthusiasm away almost it PLZZZZ HELP !! ! ! !

Can i use this..?

If this is serious, you want to procure second and third opinion until someone can narrate you what is wrong. A doctor, not someone on . Don't tolerate your doctor cold-shoulder it if you know something is wrong. Move on, find a unmarked - better - doctor.

I hope the best for you.

what does it consistency similar to?

Please shift to a different doctor and constraint that he does some test! If they enunciate that in attendance is nil wrong - grasp them to explain exactly what is going on otherwise...but if that be me - I would try to receive an appropriate answer. Good luck and God bless.

Ladies, Do you grain discouraging once your flow begin or freshly during the pre-menstrual stage?

wow sounds resembling u get breast cancer or something
run to ur doctor b4 it spreads

any theory what this is?

See another doctor...several of them if you hold to. Your doctors shouldn't stop inquiring until they find out what's wrong. Have they done a mamogram on you but? Have they tested you for Fibromyalgia? Cysts?

It is not regular to bleed from the breasts, nor is it conventional for you to enjoy a lump and aching approaching that. And I believe it is solely ordinary to lactate if you are pregnant. I assume you and your doctor enjoy already ruled out that possibility?

Until you can find a wearing clothes doctor who is predisposed to hunt for the grounds of your agony, try these things:

1. Use a hot hose down bottle wrapped within a paw towel and put it over the lump contained by your breast. Do this for at lowest possible a partially hour to an hour, as heaps times a hours of daylight as you be aware of you have need of to. This should relieve some of the strain.

2. If you are not allergic to it, help yourself to Aleve as recommended on the bottle. This may relieve next to some spasm too.

3. Stop intake any form of nuts. Don't own caffeine or chocolate in any form for at smallest a week. Cut rear legs on your sugar intake. There are some conditions that are aggravated by these foods so adjectives them out may give a hand.

4. Stay away from fatty meat for a while. And use as little butter as you can.

5. Get extra sleep. If you are fatigued or stressed, this can also aggravate some condtions. Getting more rest can oblige.

6. Stop worrying as much as you can. Try meditation and other relaxation technique that can relief you appease your fears and focus your mind. This may brand a huge overhaul contained by your condition if you do it for in the region of 20 minutes every hours of daylight.

If you cannot go and get your doctor to do so, phone around and find a doctor who will consider giving you a biopsy. Your doctor should own done one already. I know several doctors approaching to read out "Oh, you're too young-looking to draw from one of those", but from what you said, it sounds similar to he should hold already gotten it done in recent times contained by defence. Being in constant niggle is intolerably difficult and he wants to be doing more to resolve this problem for you.

Good luck, hon. Have belief.

Does sex net you physically not at your best? It bring in me sick to my stomach?

Must move about to another doc.

I enjoy love handle and can't win rid of them! What is the fastest opening?

I would recommend seeking several more opinion and ask them to do an ultrasound if one hasn't be done.

When getting a second evaluation I recommend getting it from a doctor that does not share duplicate organization of the doctor you currently see.

RE: ovulation?

you hold the symptoms of breast cancer.
look in a doc immediatly and achieve it diagonised back its too belated

okay so my girlfriend?

If you're in reality bleeding from the nipple, I can't get the drift why a doctor cannot find anything wrong. You requirement a mammogram, possibly an ultrasound. This is something not to give the brush-off.

Please desire another physician.

I've be told you seize drunk faster when you own your time of year because your blood is so filmy. What do you think

your doctor may want a dctor:|
find a tentative doctor asap.this is serious, and it may be some form of cancer.
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