Need your help!?

right guys i be due on my extent yesterday and it didnt come me and my partner enjoy bin tryin for a family connections but just bin tryin a week.i wasnt on the pill or anything formerly we started trying, i took a pregnancy theory test finishing nite and it be glum whats going on any design?

Has anyone have any luck next to non invasive or minimally invasive facade lift?

It usually take longer to find out than on the light of day that your extent is due. Wait for a week, and if it hasn't come, re-test for pregnancy and if it's positive, dance to your doctor and confirm it.

Good luck on becoming first time parents.

Has anyone or is anyone takeing YAZ birth controll?

possibly slowly, or possibly a false gloomy

Need To Know: me and my girlfriend be messing around and she started bleeding, and she is not on her length?

Could be your only just a bit in arrears. My period are crazy and come at adjectives kind of time. Usually once a month but nearby is no exact daylight. I lately be aware of angry and afterwards know it's due. Could pilfer another preganacy experiment following and also see your Doctor.

Is it prerequisite for a woman to hold a pap smear? Why? And how repeatedly must it be taken if you are have sex?

Leave it another couple of days and if still no sign do another pregnancy exam but also trade name sure you do it when you first pee contained by the morning as you hormone level are much highly developed if it still comes hindmost gloomy consequently stir and acquire it confirmed next to your doctor if your not pregnant you stipulation to discuss next to your doctor what the problem may be. Hope this help you somewhat angelic luck for trying for a child adjectives the best.

Have any of you be on Ortho Tri Cyclen Birth Control Pills? If so, did it generate you spot?

That's too soon for a pregnancy theory test to work.

You stipulation to make a contribution it some time. Keep doing what comes inherently, and try the try-out again in a couple of weeks.

Best wishes and biddable luck :-)

Well i hear that milk?

Sometimes mind over thing!
You will find heaps ladies own settled to start a familial and next their cycle change, unexplainable but true. Or you could lately be a couple days unpunctually, it happen. Try waiting another two weeks next do another interview. But hold practising in the miserable time. Good luck for the adjectives.

What would bring a individual to own a long spell?

it seem as if near is a problem near your body. perchance you are too want to turn and see your doc.or perchance your husband have greatly low spermcount.

diminished sex drive?

You may hold be lucky and tried rap on ovalation and it is of late to rash to give an account.
You may be a bit stressed and this can hindrance a extent by a couple of days.
I would contribute it a couple of weeks you can buy a exam i.e. acurate after in the future but because you hold singular merely tried it will not come up possitive but as hormones enjoy not have time to tweaking.
Good luck and fingers crossed for you both.

When should I start taking birth control again? (Stopped for 2 Weeks)?

it may be too precipitate to let somebody know

Brown gunk-whats that in the order of?

It's best to do test within the morning, but it's still particularly untimely possibly hang around till your a week overdue.

Why is my menstrual cycle unsettled?

would run longer to show up on a exam usually a month x
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