Has anyone or is anyone takeing YAZ birth controll?
My OBGYN give it to me bec of my unpromising PMS. I dont obligation it for birth control I own be fixed after my 3 kids :) I own devastating PMS. I receive depressed and angry and moody. I dont want sex or to be touched. I solely own 1 obedient week a month of outlook majority and delighted. Then one week I enjoy my extent and the other 2 weeks I am a nightmare. Has anyone else have this and what did you do to give support to it. If you rob YAZ did it work?
Cud anyone suggest an graceful method of facade pack that can be prepared at home?
I never took YAZ but i also own similar problem. Im sometimes impressively irritable and moody and short temper arond PMS, my doctor once prescibed Vitamin B6 and that help a bit. Most of the time when i bring back PMS, i try to do some meditation and try to look at better side of natural life and report my man that im opinion adjectives this. But it is frozen because you can't other construct it an excuse. You might wanna make conversation to a shrink, if it is too much.But iam a short time ago looking for the areas where on earth you can explore and find out the unadulterated solution.....flawless luck.