Is it necessary for a woman to have a pap smear? Why? And how often must it be taken if you are having sex?


should i progress to the doctor am i feeling thirst or something Else please facilitate?

Yes! it is tremendously exalted to achieve pap smears regularly. It is to check for any description of abnormality such as infections, STDs, and cervical cancer.
If you are sexually live or over the age of 18, it is central to capture them done annually.

All the ladies over here please?

once a year, or every 6 mths if you are on the pill. it screen you for cervical cancer. i'd articulate it's pretty momentous, wouldn't you?

having my uterus cauterized pros & cons?

It is angelic to grasp one every year if you are sexually helpful. It is passageway better to find out untimely if anything is wrong than to not be in motion and really regret it after that.

For those of you using nuvaring?

You call for them once a year if you're sexually busy, and if you're over, articulate, 20 and still a virgin you should enjoy them also.

It test for cervical cancer (or cell that could become cancer) as economically as copious STDs and they usually also show you how to examine your breasts for lumps as okay. All tremendously prominent for women in our time.

Don't be afraid of the assessment. It's a short time discomfited, but usually over massively breakneck. Make sure to ask for a woman doc if it would brand name you more comfortable.


Yes it is indispensable to enjoy every twelve months pap smears. Your first look in to the GYN should be up to that time you own sex or if you are have problems near your length. Once we women start have sex it is SO enormously high-status to go and get once a year exams. Your Doctor will be at the forefront of your vigour. The pap smear and std test are key facts contained by our lives. They can release your duration, or your fertility.
You should see your GYN once a year or more if you enjoy ANY problems.down in attendance.. Yearly paps will know how to describe the doctor how things are in that nouns, if you own contracted cervical cancer risks such as HPV. It will hang on to your vagina and cervix full-bodied and your exams will include a breast exam to relief clash breast cancer. THESE ARE IMPORTANT !!

do i smell?

Yes it is, it help detect any issues going on near your reproductive system.

You should enjoy it done every year.

It should be done after you start menstruating and BEFORE you own sex.

I have my first pap at age 11, after I started menstruating.
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