Help Im worried!?

My mom on saturday she get her time of year when it wasnt the time of the month! And she is exceptionally sick and in a minute its monday and she is still not foreboding ably....She said she is bleeding more than usual and its bleeding so much its similar to going through her pant everyday!! Whats wrong do u no?

Question concerning Clomid?

Stress might be a factor but that flow you describe sounds pretty strapping... i honestly feel you should see a dr no business what, at hand are social workers contained by the hospitals who give support to you receive financial aid for medical expenses

I have need of some serve beside this please assist!!!?

I infer she wishes to telephone her doctor/primary caution physician right away, too much blood loss is chancy.
If it is not her time of the month, resembling you mentioned it isn't, explicitly the principal use why she wants to speech to a doctor ASAP.

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see a doctor

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I ponder you better concern next to a special urologist..who will know what is going on beside your mom..

Birth control and length?

well,your mom requests to dance to the gyn/ob and enjoy them check it out...just soaking thru her pant is not gonna hurt..but she requests to check it out next to dr.if it doesn't stop..She might own picked up something really calorific and it made that occur...

what if???

your mother have to step to the doctor right away i have it in mind immediately it could find worst. share her dont skulk any other moment.

I have need of sum funnys!?!?

She requirements to budge to her Gynocologist. She could hold a potentially serious infection, if she is bleeding that much you may want to consider a trip to the Urgent diligence doctor contained by your nouns as she could be getting anemic or worse. Please have a word her into getting see soon.

Is pregnancy possible/likely? Please lend a hand, I am deeply worried.?

Need to aim comfort from someone. Do you own friends or household. Needs to be looked at if she isn't economically.

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sometimes the programme isnt exactly matching. dont be worried sometimes relatives bleed different amounts

What happen right past your first length ever?

Ok. First rotten, your mom requirements assist. This sounds pretty serious. I realize it's difficult near no insurance and form costs are epidemic, but is it worth it if it could retrieve your mom's vivacity? Of course it is. So notify her to see a doctor.

My doctor prescribed me Provera (the pill not the shot) i could obstruction my term while on leave..?

some population start rash and enjoy large flows and cramp sometimes it's so hurting that you can throw up, dizziness street lamp team leader
it's moral for her to progress see the doctor if she continues

Yaz birthcontrol, shouldnt I hold started my time by presently?

I'm not sure where on earth you live, but can't you seize emergency medical or something to aid next to the medical bill?

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Call your local form department, they will see associates on have need of base who do not hold insurance. Your mother desires to put her strength above the funds, if you do not own a robustness department or have need of base services surrounded by your nouns, reassure her that most hospitals will set up payoff plans that will allow her to repay for services. Hope she get to a doctor soon and get to emotion better.

Do i hold to start the pill on the first daylight of a time?

u enjoy a mustred powder
transport a one chalice of milk and put 2 and partly spoon musterd powder and drink speedly
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