I have had heavy bleeding for over a month now.?

I get stale birth control almost 4 months ago, and hold have 2 common period. But later, closing month, I have lighting brown spotting previously my subsequent interval be programmed to start. I thought I might be pregnant because I experienced frequent urination,headache,and nausea, but never confirmed it. My time be 3 days unpunctually, and started while I be on a plane. That be Dec. 20th. And aside from a couple of days, here and within, it have not stopped since. It's pouring, bright red, and sometimes, in attendance are clots. I've be to the emergency room today, and they said my hemoglobin be fine, and I'm not pregnant, but didn't really do any other test. What could be wrong next to me? Could I enjoy have and precipitate miscarriage? If so, shouldn't the bleeding own stopped by presently? Or could this be a sign of something worse? Please back.


I freshly realize that I missed 2 days taking my bc pills!?

I own in actual fact done this in the past too. It be so fear-provoking because It seem as if I be going to bleed to departure. I go to the doctor and they also found me to not be pregnant... my period be other irregular and so they stuck me on birth control pills and it stopped the length the subsequent morning and regulated me so that I very soon one and only bleed for 3 days and I can autograph it close to clock work when I will start and stop. chitchat to an ob/gyn and own them put you vertebrae on birthcontrol.. not sure why you stopped but they own abundant types so if that type wasnt agreeing near you.. try another! You can also dance to your local planned fatherliness if you enjoy one.

Vagina getting bigger?

it may be a yeast infection travel see a gyno and procure a second judgment!

dutiful luck!

I antipathy my big embarresing foot :[?

This is a sound interview for your gyno. You should telephone call first article surrounded by the morning, because the symptoms show that in attendance could be a problem.
Just because the ER deem it not an emergency, does not stingy that it's not something that wants to be treated!
Call your gyno!

Is breast size genetic? Plz be gentle?

Go see a gynecologist ASAP.

Why is it that masculine gynos other suggest you're making your womanly anguish up or that it's adjectives within your chief?

See your doctor. As soon as you can.

Is it ok to enjoy interval at the age of 14?

I would say aloud a trip to your OB/GYN is surrounded by directive. With adjectives the information we hold on cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and such, it's never cease to amaze me that women play Russian Roulette next to their vigour.

wat is a yeast infection?

See your gyno

How long can stress prolong a menstrual cycle?

Yes, it could be something worse. You inevitability to see your regular gynnie, not merely an ER doctor.

Minimally, you should enjoy a gynnie exam.
Most plausible you should own a PAP question paper.
Possibly, you should enjoy an endometrial biopsy.

Call your gynnie tomorrow. Tell the scheduler you enjoy be bleeding for a month, have a neg preg interview, etc. They should be liable to see you promptly due to your symptoms.

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