Any advice??

I am 30"something" I am on Disiblity for cronic rear legs dull pain and Depression I am on headache pills and musile relaxers and Prozac next to I am married (happily) own an eleven year frail daughter so I to am on BC...I own be on this unusual pill because my Dr doesn't similar to or perscribe the patch which I enjoy be on for more than three years and prier to that I have an IUD for resembling six presently I am on the pill I enjoy be on it for two months and spotted twice but hold all the same to hold a full out time of year (sorry for human being blunt) I be suppost to start final week but I did not but the light of day that I be to start I started have a different type of headache surrounded by my lower fund and even beside my strain relievers and musile relaxers nought help the twinge and I am of late trying to integer out why.I am a moment ago wondering if I should confer to my primary Doc or to my GYNO..sorry for any miss spelt words I am surrounded by so much cramp to budge rear legs and check.sorry

I hold have the worst itch around my labia. If I shave my pubic hackle, will it at ease the itch, or create it worse?

I am so sorry for what you're going through right immediately, I chew over you should consult beside your primary doctor, and soon. Your primary doc know a bit everything no concern what the situation is, he/she should be capable of give support to you.

Good luck!

I havent have my spell?

i would jump to your primary dr. and consequently he can explain to you if you necessitate to step to your gyno or not.

can you progress wwimming when you on your extent?

I'm sorry to hear going on for adjectives your troubles. For so much discomfort and affliction, you know that your gut instinct is right, which is why you posted the put somebody through the mill here - Go have a chat to your doctor roughly your discomfort and collaborate just about the patch. They're doctors, not mystics, and as a result a honest one should explain to you his/her ruling and tutor you on the best course that you would want upon.

is it majority to hold lots of clotting when i enjoy my spell?

yes, travel to the doctor. Some of the pills you are taking might interfere near respectively other and your hormones (hence the irregular period). Any time u enjoy any discomfort plz see a doctor. Better undisruptive than sorry. Take moral support of your body.

Could my interval?

if it is something like down underneath, if u will, cooperate to the gyno. they know more roughly birth control. mention to s/he of your other twinge meds so they wont conter conduct yourself respectively other.
my mom have desperate hindmost problems, did surgery and she still hurts but not as doomed to failure. unwell agree to u move about immediately.
worthy luck

at what age should a girl.?

The insufficiency of a full time is a adjectives side effect of the Pill. The hormones also can affect the uterine cramps that usher your different cycle (or removal of one). There would appear to be some interplay beside the elder chronic support backache and the modern hormone-induced cramps... The muscles could be playing bad respectively other within an poorly resonance.

It is also moderately true that depression and anxiety do genuine stress inside the body, and that can take home physical stomach-ache adjectives that much worse. I enjoy found that if conditions resembling anxiety and depression are properly controlled, my patients report much smaller amount chronic stomach-ache.

I would suggest a double approach. Talk to your OB/Gyn and see if in that are alternate version of the pill that might interact next to your body differently. Also settle to the provider who help you hack it your depression to create sure you are on the correct medication and dosage for your situation. Make sure that respectively provider know what the other is doing for you, so the total effect is maximize for you.
Best wishes,
Ed, RN
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