I have had the worst itch around my labia. If I shave my pubic hair, will it calm the itch, or make it worse?

Please Help!

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Why is every ones labia itching them? If you shave, it will manufacture it worse and I don`t know even annoy it more. Just start out it alone and travel to the Dr. You might own a yeast infection. And try not to itch your labia, you will generate it more sore.

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Sounds resembling you hold a yeast infection. shaving will do zilch for that. Go to the drug store and buy an over the counter yeast medication within the feminine isle. You insert a suppository from one to 7 days and it take going on for 4 days on any regimen to turn away.

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go and see a doctor...temporarily buy something in a drugstore for the itch...and monitor out for your bf...

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Check beside your doctor, you probably enjoy a yeast infection. Shaving the nouns will not oblige, if anything it will raison d`??tre more itching as the curls grows pay for.

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oMG!! LOL trust me don't shave it that will sort it 10x's worse! LOL catch some monistat cream or something and put it on the itch first up to that time doing anything..especially shaving!! :)

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Yeast infection. Shaving won't do anything except offer you the "clean" hunch. lol. You should probably turn to a doctor.

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it sounds similar to you own a yeast infection.run to the doctor first to create sure...and don't shave.that will of late bring in it worse.

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More than expected produce it worse. Especially once the pelt starts to grow posterior. Go see a gyno you may enjoy a vaginal infection. Get some monistat topical cream and see if this help temporarily.

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for heavens sake why don't you only just ring up your gynechologist for a prescription, and also stop have sex. Most problems a womanly get is from have sex or wearing thongs.

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Sounds approaching you've get thrush luv - it's a yeast infection. Try not to itch too much coz you'll start to bleed and afterwards that really hurts! Go to your doctor and find some canisten. They do it surrounded by a pill form that you put 'up in attendance' and some cream that you put 'around within' or they also do a pill that you can bring out loud. It'll clear up in a few days. You can bring back it from things similar to bubble tub iritating you and things close to that. xx

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Neither unless you own crabs, surrounded by that travel case shave it rotten.
On a more serious register you could may own a yeast infection put away greatly of Yogurt and thieve probiotics from the vigour food store. If you hold taken antibiotics lately you manifestly stipulation the above.. Good Luck

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Hi- Hard to diagnose ur problem over the internet. I would involve more information than what you own mentioned. Either bearing, it seem as if you may enjoy a problem that desires treatment- shaving ur pubic spike or not. Is near discharge- such as a white, cottage cheese type texture specifically odorous. Does it hurt when you pee? Are you sexually moving. You could enjoy a STD. There are over the counter creams such as VAGISIL or MONOSTAT for the itching- the MONOSTAT is for yeast infection. If you enjoy a bladder infection or urinary tract infection, you want antibiotics to treat this. Worst casing scenerio- you own a STD. That is WORST CASE. PLEASE GO GET THIS CHECKED OUT! Take caution and moral luck!

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If you want it to stop itching shave it REALLY close.
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