Morning after pill?

I heard that you can lift morning after pill within 3 days after unprotected sex, that is to say when it is most effective. My give somebody the third degree is is it true, and my sexond question is what are the side effects, my friend once get notious and she was throughing up, is it adjectives, and what other side effects are possible. (I took Plan B- was it a apt choice?)

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Yes, you do need to clutch it within 72 hours of have unprotected sex for it to be the most effective.

It is also adjectives to throw up when you take it. Although you call for to avoid doing so at all cost otherwise you will enjoy to take it adjectives over again. The pill is really though on your stomach. The few times I've had to purloin it, I've always be told to take it next to Gravol. It helps you preserve it the pill down.

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i infer i heard somewhere its more effectual the faster you take it and my friend used it i believe she told me she was throwing up but she still get pregnant and shes 7 months now.

Biblical times and birth/uncleaness/mentruation?

Not sure what your plan B is? but yes you can give somebody a lift it up to three days after sex occurred. and I wouldn't guidance you to keep using this as a form of protection from not getting pregnant. t other choices are: not have sex or a condom.

Question about this girl? please minister to!?

You should ask a doctor, and learn how to spell.

Iritated BUTT CRACK examine?

Nausea & vomiting are a side effect b/c you are basically taking several soaring dose BC pills at once. Have you ever forgotten to take your pill sooner or later so you doubled up the next daytime & felt sick to your stomach. Same proposition. The morning after pill is like taking several BC pills at once.
As far as a well-mannered choice, the best person to answer tha would be your doctor or his nurse. They know you and your medical history, the race here do not.

I'm an old woman?

I thought every one had the sense to not do unprotected sex. I know zilch roughly the pill. Or the plan. Talk to your drugist. or the Dr. who gave you the perscription,.

Ladies please hep me im with the sole purpose 17 and im scared i dont know wats wrong wit me (women single please im embarressed)

sure, if it did what you wanted it to do. it be originally designed to protect you from cancer, i wouldn't worry too much around it.

Period symptoms? or pregnancy?

No, it's most effective as soon as you pinch it. The longer you wait the more time pass that you could become pregnant.

I've taken it two times for mishaps and I felt a moment or two sick the first time. The second I was fine. I notice that my period be longer than usual afterwards but that's it.

Plan B is a great thing for accident but don't have unprotected sex thinking you can a short time ago take a pill...emergencys singular!

What happens if i bring back my period when i am on my 3rd week of birth control pills?

im not sure the other possible side effects, since im a guy i never give it much thought till you brought it up. sorry

I am in the clear?

yeah, the sooner you pinch it after having sex the more significant it is. i've taken plan b before and didnt enjoy any side effects, but it is possible to experience side effects, but i dont know if its common. you might be aware of nausous, dizzy, you could have diarrhea, vomiting, i meditate *maybe* even tired not sure tthough.

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Okay as far as your first grill goes...yes the pill can work up to 72 hours after unprotected sex but is more forceful if taken sooner, within 24 hours is what doctors suggest. I own taken the morning after pill once and I got incredibly nauseous and threw up like mad. Other side effects include headache, painful breasts and irregular vaginal bleeding. Hope that help.


What are the side effects of getting pregnant?, Getting infected beside HIV?, Hep B?. I cant believe that with adjectives the education out near today that anybody, ecspecialy some one who is not ready to be a mother or grasp sick would even entertain the thought of unprotected sex. Your answer is the pill is forceful up to 48 hours. You should know that up to 48 hours means it may or may not work. You want to be certainly sure, cross your legs once in a while, you own your entire life to be a pig.

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Yes, it does have some ruthless side effects. (If the embryo makes it) Plus, it hasn't be fully studied.


Not 100% effective for birth control.

Side effects come about including nausea, vomiting, headache, breast tenderness, bloated fear and swelling of hands and foot. The side effects may be less beside the combination pill and more severe with the use of the high-dose estrogen alone.

If pregnancy does go off, the use of these drugs can have significant effects on the developing embryo. Pregnancy termination may own to be considered.

The long-term effects of even one-time use of diethylstilbestrol have not be studied.

It is usually not recommended as a routine birth control method, to some extent it is reserved for special circumstances

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pill can be started from 5 th day of menses abstaining for tat time term. other side effects can some sort of weakness.regular medical check up is vital

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