Always wanting to pee i don't know what it is?

i have the morning after pill on the 29th April and next have my spell a week subsequently next i did two urine test they come up distrustful did a blood check on the 30 june 2007 that come up distrustful Friday the 13th July 2007 & in a minute on the 30th July adjectives i needed to do be pee i have a bit of stomach-ache on my right side i cant stop peeing i shift but it feel approaching i want to run again am i pregnant or is it the soft drink i enjoy started to drink cranberry liquid and takeing the tablets and started to take in robustness plus both today will this back whats wrong next to me

i enjoy be have a few problems down below?

Sounds close to a UTI. The cranberry liquid will lend a hand, but next to any infection, you obligation antibiotics, travel see your doctor.
FYI: Pregnant women pee plentifully when they are 7-9 months because of the weightiness of the tot on the bladder.

confused and worried!!?

haha it's probably the soft drink and stuff, whenever i drink profoundly of anything dampen and ESPECIALLY soft drinks i gain that premonition. Good luck and i'm sure you're not pregnant!
the niggle contained by your right side could be from drinking too much. i carry that sometimes too.

my mom stayed beside her husband after he looked at my daughter sexually why would she do that 2 me?

It could freshly be your mind psyching you out. If you're drinking more than you typically do, that'll without a doubt breed you urinate more. But you could also hold a urinary tract infection.

Endometriosis-just be diagsnosed?

Always wanting to pee is no sign that you are pregnant.

I would group that it have more to do beside your gooey intake than anything else.

As a guy I know that if I travel to the pub and drink beer after something like one and a bit goggles of beer I enjoy an urge to jump to the bathroom this is because my bladder can single hold so much soft up to that time my body must expel some of it. So it is solely instinctive that as you top up your bladder your body will want to derelict it.

This same sensation can be brought on by cool temperature or potentially and I read out this extraordinarily potentially you may be a applicant for diabetes.this is not designed to panic you but more as a crust of information.

I hope this have be polite for you.

You know if adjectives else fail you can other dance and see your strength professional. They don't bite you know.

I enjoy a disorientation and i don't want to pop any pills because I'm pregnant should i nick a hot shower?

Sounds to me similar to an infection in the kidney on the side that ache. The spasm is an inflammation for some function - infections one a adjectives cause. Since you can't do much more or less it on your own, it sounds close to a trip to the doc is contained by directive to review your symptoms, a credible urine assessment for bacterial cultures, an anti-biotic if positive for the culture, and if things don't rearrange contained by ten days or so a trip to the Urologist.

Drinking fluids, including juice is a appropriate conception, but will unlikely draw from rid of the twinge. Stop drinking that soda-pop... that will never lend a hand.
I don't contemplate the possibility of pregnancy have anythng to do beside the sentiment of wanting to pee, newly coincidental to the kidney problem.

need better guidance HELP!?

Get a routine chemical & microscopic exam of urine to R/O UTI. For me, coffee is approaching fluid pill. So, you may cut coffee & soft drinks & check. If nought works, draw from a check up by your doc.
Good luck!

found a pill cleaning my grandmas house and she dint know what it is the pill have apo/ti-2 on the facade of it?

You should be examined and a urine culture done to determine if you enjoy a bladder infection.

If this patten continues, and your urine culture does not hold germs present, cooperate to your Dr. something like interstitial cystitis. J

i enjoy notice excess skin near/around my urethra. comfort!?

This still sounds resembling a urinary tract infection. Sometimes the infection can be nearby and not show up on cultures. I've have it begin a few times. I would recommend getting another belief preferably from a doctor that does not share like peas in a pod department of the one you currently see.

Please minister to me?

This is due to any a impulse or urinary track infection.
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