Depo Porvera ANSWER PLEASE!?

Im skinny and i needed anyones warning on if Depo Provera will assistance me gain mass at lowest surrounded by thighs and butt. And how soon because i hear some gain in a week. ANSWER PLEASE!

What do i do?

I gain over 35lbs within the duration of 2 shots...
I be deeply moody, have horrible cramps and cried's not worthy it to purely gain some freight.
Not adjectives of us are built beside an similar to JLo yourself for what you enjoy!

Does it really pains while breaking virginity?

Some women do gain for a moment solidity on Depo. But it's pro tem.

And trying to own a bigger butt isn't really the best plea to adaptation your birth control method. You may enjoy unpleasant side effects from Depo. If you hold a BC method that's working for you, don't fool beside it.

Try doing some muscle toning exercise for your thighs and butt to capture the rounder shape you're looking for.

Menses after IUD.?

the depo provera injection is not the best opening to gain immensity, sure it will put together u gain a few pounds but it will also engender you extraordinarily moody. why would you wanna brand yourself bigger anyway ? most of us would love to be skinny

Is It Just Me Or Is My Period Playing Tricks On Me?

I've done it once and yes i did again shipment but adjectives other side effects where on earth really bleak. close to spotting and have pre-pms cramping for 4 months, depression, curls loss, loss of sex drive and so much more. I've have few friends that really close to it. instinctively i construe it's a wage because if you hold a impossible allergic reaction it within is really zilch that you can do to stop it. plus even after the 3 month glass it took what seem similar to for ever to my body put a bet on to mundane.

Period trouble.If i'd hold one!?

depo provera effects every woman differently. I hold be taking it for roughly speaking 13 years and hold perchance gain 10 pounds total over that time interval. An hoary co-worker of mine gain 30 pounds within one year on the drug. So we are adjectives different.

If your desire is to gain weightiness, I would suggest other alternatives. It is a moderately expensive drug to be on that you must run to a doctor look in four times a year. You can hold your bone density reduced, gain counterweight mood shifts, etc.

I would conjecture that if you are trying to gain cargo you are better bad seeing a nutritionist and going to the gym and building muscle. Your butt and thighs are some of your biggest muscles and remarkably uncomplicated to work out.

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