Hysterectomy - take ovaries out or not?
Is it possible to be PMSing days AFTER your time?
certainly recent studies suggest that even post menopausal ovaries put out some hormones that could support prevent heart attack.
Personally, I would depart from them
Leaving the ovaries after a hysterectomy in a postmenopausal woman is not a adjectives practice becasue of the risk of ovarian cancer. Since you are already postmenopausal - the likelyhood of developing symptoms associated beside "the change" are far smaller quantity. Chances are your ovaries are doing something close to nil as far as hormones shift at this stage of the spectator sport and your provider is categorically correct surrounded by note that your ovaries enjoy probably atrophied and no longer function at a rank considered beneficial.
Ultimately, it is your body and your verdict. Talk next to your provider again if you are have any doubts or wish a second assessment to help your mind.
Either process you step ---Goodluck and wish for a speedy taking back!
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