My friend is in denial?

so she said she have her period and i said i didnt enjoy mine yet at her age consequently she said that it was a cut and the institution nurse checked it out i saw her shorts it looks bloody she also seemed moody and have cramps is it possible it is a cut

Birth control questions comfort please?

we can't answer that for you. Only your friend knows what is really going on and if she decide to tell you than at hand is good trusting friendship. Make her grain like she can trust you to natter to you,. No matter what be supportive

How big is the average penis when erect?

She a short time ago needs a hug!

What could it be?

No, it's not a cut. It's a extent. Cramps, mood swings, and bloody shorts all point to it.

Not sure why she'd be denying it, since EVERY girl on planet Earth go through the exact same thing at some point.

I own a question that's fairly embarrassing?

No--it's her spell.

A cut, unless a major artery or capillary, would NOT cause that much blood. If it did, she would own bled out in a few moments.

What could incentive pink spotting 5 days after my period ends?

no its time of year ok shes prob about what 12 shes getting used to it and is probably embarassed but yes its her term

My GF needs support. . ..?

hahaha, just confer on her alone, if she wanted to bring up to date you she would've, she probably wants her space any way and if she IS have a period later its pretty obvious why she's adjectives grumpy. give her some space and only be sweet to her. funny story though.

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i guess she could be lying...but why? how old are you two? sometimes girls are embarassed by getting their spell, especially at a young age or past anyone else...just go the issue alone for a few days...if she is crampy and moody she probably started it, but doesn't want to talk around it! i guess if you were really dutiful friends, she wouldn't be worried about what you'd meditate. just bequeath her some space.

Ladies, if you are in the shower and enjoy the urge to pee, do you get out or a short time ago pee in the shower?

Does it situation? It's a private thing for her to know singular...I wouldn't overthink something like this unless your worried she's hurt.

But adjectives signs point to her monthly.

How can I get my boobs to grow bigger lacking having surgery or taking pills?

A cut down here and she only talk to the school nurse. Its her interval, baby.

I hold very massive ovaries, but no symptoms of PCO. Do people enjoy very colossal ovaries with no form problems?

No, its is just her time. Some girls may feel embarrsassed to parley about getting their spell so they may make up excused to generate their friends believe it is not. It is her period, she is not cut down nearby, and she needs to adopt the fact that it is a means of access of life and it happen to everyone (well girls) at some time in their energy, she was merely an early bloomer, near is noting to be afraid of, it will appear whether you're ready or not. She ego in denial and requirements to realize that this is not a joke, this is the legitimate deal. She may be illiterate about period and may be confused about what happen during them, but tha is the only other excuse I can deem of about why she would say aloud that she is cut down there.

Please sustain?

Girls get their period at all different ages. I started mine when I be 9. (I'm 42 now and can't skulk till it goes away). Why would you telephone call her a liar? About the cut or in the region of her period? Come on---just because she may hold gotten her period in the past you had gotten yours? Grow up.


no, not the bearing to handle it, but it is that she is contained by denial but i would think that she would enlighten u anything if u where her friend u know. I don`t know have a serious conversation near her, and comfort her, because she probley feels so discomfited talking roughly speaking it so talk to her. yeah but she doesn't want to recount u it's her period she really shouldn't be embrassed roughly it it's apart of life, but everyone have there uncomforties tho.

I obligation my wife back.?

We really wouldn't know that for sure. All girls are different and catch theirs at different ages. Could be a cut, but if it was she would probably enjoy bled to death.

I honestly don't give attention to it is your business tho. My advice would be to mind your own and not verbs about hers. If she wishes to talk to you something like it, she will.


she may be embarassed. just bestow it alone. if she did get her time of year, don't worry almost it. it is a very wild time for a girl. i was years behind in getting mine (i didn't start until i be 15 or 16) and i was other so upset that other girls were getting theirs past me. whether she got it quicker or later than most surrounded by your class, i'm sure she's just upset. simply let her know that no event what you are her friend and you are there for her if she wants you.

I have plentiful questions just about tubal ligation and reversals is there anyone out nearby with first mitt experience?

If she did get her length she is going through enough... only just be there for her as a friend

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