HELP! Random chest niggle and dark skin between breasts! Is within something wrong near me?

dont know why but my chest hurts at random times. Sometimes when I'm surrounded by bed, in conservatory, or sitting down. I weigh a little over 160 pounds and Im 5'8 and 13 years outmoded (so I'm basically overweight) if that help. And between my breasts its like a dark area. I dont know how to explain it, but its similar to the skin there is sort of dark and darker brown consequently my skin already is.

The same thing happen to the back of my knees, like when I woke up once it hurt to the point where on earth I had to continue a few minutes before the discomfort went away. But I dont regard that's related.


Answers:    The skin darkness could be tinea versicolor. If so, that could be due to a candida albicans condition, which some experts influence may be part of the rationale of your extra weight. Candida albicans flourishes contained by our intestine to help us digest foods. If here is too much of it, one expert feels it can relieve bring on hypoglycemia (chronic low blood sugar). If this is happening to you, low blood sugar can incentive random pains, resembling in your chest and knees. Protein based within between meal snacks can aid with the pains.

The solution, munch through foods that are low in inbred, man made or added sugars of all sorts (maltose, dextrose, etc). Also, munch through foods that discourage the growth of candida albicans - like plain yogurt.

Ask your parents to ask your doctor around the tests to rule out low blood sugar. There are no definitive medical test yet to determine the smooth of candida albicans growth in the intestine.
s Look on this source it help me with my butt headache and I am in 8th class and 6,0 and weigh 142
not sure, but that's not overweight! I'm in 7th order, 5'9, and 153 lbs and I don't like to look at myself as overweight!

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