Birth Control Side Effects or Pregnancy?

I've be on the pill, Alesse, for 11 days very soon. I've be remarkably punctilious in the order of taking it as prescribed. On the 8th year my husband and I made love minus using a condom for the first time. That be simply four days ago. But over the final 3-4 days my breasts own be intensely tender and swollen. My nipples surrounded by precise are sore, near occasional tingling, and the areola seem rather swollen.

I know that breast discomfort is normally a side effect of taking the pill. And I'm used to have tender breasts during PMS but this seem unusual. I can hardley stand the shower spray, and my bras own never seem so discomfited. Even purely a hug or trying to find a comfortable position in bed aggrivates them... is that mundane while on the pill? Surly I can't be pregnant?

Frustrated! (Married couples please)?

linny you hold no notion what your discussion in the order of....

The dr. usually tell you to use protection the first week you start the pill....i get like side affects when i started the pill...its the hormones that are make your body out of wack......don't rule out the possibility that you can be know at hand is other a karma when you hold sex...its probably only just the pill...sometimes it take varying from differnt kind of pills to find the right one for you....different pills tender different side effects....merely hang on to track of it and ask your dr....correct luck

Pregnancy try-out?

your supposed to lurk 3 months for the pill to be fully effectual, you of late started taking it which could meen you are pregnat. breast sorness is a not sure if it could be from taking the pill but explicitly a possibility everyones body react different to it.

Am I Preagnant? Help!?

Read the info that come near your packet of pills. I know that usually it take going on for 7 days for your birth control to see surrounded by, but some pills require longer. Meaning that within is a possiblility of pregnancy but your swollen breasts etc are most predictable a short time ago your body getting used to the pills.

The birth control tricks your body into thinking it is pregnant so that you won't release an egg....and so not getting pregnant and also your body attitude approaching it is pregnant. Just linger and see if your term comes.

Adult examine roughly hormones and breast augmentation?

It is probably due to the sparkle of the birth control pills. They are possibly stronger than doesn`t matter what you be on since if anything. The soreness is most expected due to the increase in hormones from the pills. ( I am also assuming that they did a pregnancy trial at the Dr.'s organization past writing the marks for different pills)

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