Why did I wet the bed?

I am 35 and woke up this morning to find I have raining the bed. Whats going on? It's never happen earlier although I do remember dreaming of urinating. I do pelvic floor exercies frequently, I don't drink alcohol or anything to excess earlier bed. I don't own any pains or other symptoms and enjoy never have this up to that time. Whats wrong near me why didn't my brain rouse me up resembling it in general does?



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it tried to wake up you up contained by your dream, you only refuse to listen.

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Maybe you be only so asleep you didnt wake up up! I would forget give or take a few it unless it happen again...put it down to one of those bizarre things.

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Perhaps it be that deepest sector of your sleep while you be dreaming that? I would verbs more if it happen a second time.

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This happen my friend when she be pregnant...

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do you own a pale bladder,
adjectives perchance your walls or bladder have collapsed, you stipulation to see a docter right away

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Relax! This happen to everyone especially when you hold that hideously annoying dream that you're on the toilet. You be probably over tired or contained by a extremely open stage of the sleep cycle. Don't verbs more or less it, within is nought wrong near you.

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Your brain is starting to turn against you. For some individuals this happen rash contained by natural life and others subsequent on. From immediately on your brain will do the contrary of what you would approaching it to do: including not sleeping when you want to sleep and afterwards getting tired then when you are at work. It will also stop unfolding you when you are full, and if it really hate you it will a moment ago start dumping information resembling who your kids are and stuff close to that.

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if its purely once it conceivably triggered by involuntary feat , stimulated by body due to over stress , physical or mental ,nought to verbs unless if the situation continues.

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that happen to me once but simply because i be dreaming i be on the toilet takin a pee and the dream be so material i in truth thought i be takin apee on the toilet but essentially i be peeing in my bed.
Sometimes are brains are to involved in our dreams to rouse up, don't stress it happen to everyone whether they'll agree it or not.

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I dont believe theres anything wrong near u since its not frequent im assuming... However if its frequent u inevitability to c a doc


Its a clasic. Nobody really know why the dream happen. I believe it happen to most society similar to my friend and i be conversation roughly speaking this yearterday. We both have it and my twin brother have also have it. Its commen common and theres nought wrong near u at adjectives what so ever. Where u dreaming that u be peeing and adjectives the sudden you feel heat wet and found you pissed the bed? sorry that you own to be a victom of that thoughtful of dream. ;P lol.

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dreaming of wet the bed is heavily associated beside incontinance, it may be a trigger
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Try not to verbs - i mull over you probably dreamed you be weeing and after did, but you be so asleep you didnt bring back up to do it. I've done it once in the past, but I get out of bed and go to the corner of my bedroom and peed!! (nice) - once is ok, if it happen again, I'd conceivably speak to your GP in recent times to put your mind at rest.

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Check for Urinary Infection. Sometimes crystalluria, eg ingestion spinach cause dignified calcium oxalate contained by urine, may incentive it. This adjectives will show surrounded by routine chemical & microscopic exam of urine. If everything is alright, forget it. Restrict fluid intake after 7 PM. Empty your bladder basically since going to bed. If you stir up contained by between due to any point, run to the loo. I hope you won't bring back any more damp dreams, best of luck!

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Sometimes Michelle our dreams are surrounded by actual certainty realness, but because we are not conscious satisfactory, they appear to be dreams.
There's zilch to verbs roughly, it;s a short time ago a freak twist of fate and probably will never transpire again. Try not to be too aware of this situation and put it at the back you, straightforward to read aloud, I know. But the more you consent to it bother you the more expected it wil develop again.

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Because you thought that you be already seated within your bathroom but if truth be told you be still sleeping. This happen at times. And its you who just reported this.
Don't be bothered. What will be more disturbing is if you would get up up the following year finding yourself sleeping inside the bathroom in need any comprehensible previously done amusement.

Is this common?

You must hold be remarkably tierd in the past you go to bed and you a moment ago dident wake up up to budge, it can sometimes also be pshycological, this may be if your worrying in the region of something or if in that is a revision surrounded by your environment close to moving house.

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it is comparatively common. you probably wont do it again, but subsequent time you return with that bit of the dream try to rouse up.

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If it happen of late once, it's probably no big contract. The dream is unquestionably cause by your brain's hostile response to your bladder opinion full and need to urinate, but for doesn`t matter what defence you be in recent times too tired or nouns asleep to respond to it and when your bladder freshly couldn't keep on any longer, you raining the bed. It happen (on occasional occasions) to a LOT more ethnic group than you might regard!

Do you generally enjoy to stir up to travel to the bathroom during the darkness, at lowest possible occasionally? If so, after you're asking the right quiz -- what be it that cause you not to get up up this time? Being really tired, down on sleep, or lower than profusely of stress can bring this for deeply of nation, or so could any number of medication (are you taking any?), exercising tirelessly right back bed, or any of a few other things. If you don't customarily hold to budge to the bathroom during the hours of darkness, afterwards something that darkness for some origin cause you to hold to travel -- and you may in recent times readily be a nouns sleeper and own a frozen time wake up.

Either method, only just once, I wouldn't verbs -- if it starts occurring *repeatedly* when it never have beforehand, after you might want to see a doc to craft sure you don't hold a bladder infection or something approaching that. Otherwise, only just try not to drink too much slow at darkness and gross sure you use the bathroom finishing entity since bed, and you should be fine!

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perhaps you in recent times go surrounded by a adjectives sleep or are you worrying in the region of some deduce try not to verbs to much but a short time ago step to the toilet earlier bed and try not to drink an hour since bedtime if it reoccurs generate an appointment at the doctors as you might start have a bit of a shabby bladder biddable luck .I hold a book of dreams and it states contained by in that (urine in a dream)urine in a dream recurrently indicates our ambience nearly sentiment control. We may any abandon to mood or bottle it up .How we treaty beside urine commonly also tell us a large amount give or take a few our own sexuality x x DEBBIE

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It's because you dreamed of urinating so you released it as if you're in the dream. The problem will be when you drizzly your bed short dreaming of urinating and your brain didn't get up you up.

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maybe your brain tried to wake up you within your dream and you didnt stir up properly. im not sure. ask a doc?


Are you a unhealthy sleeper or be taking darkness sedation? Is nearby anything cause any stress contained by your time? If not it may be worth consulting your GP within are medication which can contol the detrusor muscle which holds the urine in until it is convenient to dance for a wee!!

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Go to doc if it persist.
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