What causes Endremetriosis? How do you cure it?

I be diagnosed beside Ed going on for a year and a hlaf ago, after my GP be trying to convince me that i have constipation..eventually i go to Bupa and have a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy to investigate and treat, they adjectives the tissue that have adhere to by tubes and advise not to achieve pregnant or hold unprotected sex at adjectives till i be wager on on conraception. However this be within the november 95' and by the january 96' i fell pregnant on the 9th of Jan,, i concluded up losing the kid (not related to endremetriosis). I go hindmost on to Depo provera and be ok till i started to gain immensity, i come stale it almost 3 months ago and ive presently started to own similar symptoms to until that time and meditate i may enjoy to walk stern to Bupa. One other strange entity is that i appear to initiate bleeding after orgasm for nearly a week...is this commonplace? reply to me [email protected] thank you.


My time of year & birth control?

I own this as a result of have c section. It's necessarily menstrual tissue that have grown on other organs and give you more distress than everyday when menstruating. Sometimes it hurts even when you're not close to person due. You can cure it near surgery, or you can pop ibuprofen every month if you want more children. Personally, after two section, I don't want to step lower than the run through again so I chose to merely treat it beside ibuprofen. My mother have have three section and surgery, and still get her time of year. I influence why cut it out if you're still going to bleed anyway?

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There is not a cure for it. Unless unsurprisingly you want to enjoy a hysterectomy, which I did and do not recommend. Prior to that I have 3 surgeries to clear out the problem, took LuPron shots and be put rear legs on birth control pills. Put stale the hyster. as long as you possibly can.

Birth control!!?

I am sorry for your loss. As for Endo, it is imperative that you acquire the most accurate, timely information in the region of this disease surrounded by charge to kind the most empower decision around your attention to detail. There is an incredible amount of misinformation "out there" on Endometriosis; most notoriously on this site.

Word of guidance: call in an authoritative source to do your homework on this disease a bit than depending solely on anecdotal stories give or take a few who have Endo and be cured by this, that or the other. A "must read" source of information is this free screening and coaching tackle located here: http://www.endocenter.org/pdf/2006screen...

I also strongly suggest visit http://www.centerforendo.com for information on definitive surgical treatment for the disease, call excision. Most women are subjected to superficial laser ablation or vaporization, which have a better than 50% comeback rate in the enormously first year alone following surgery. You also have need of to know that hysterectomy, menopause, Lupron, oral contraceptives, "prescribed" pregnancy and other aged wive's tale that exist out in attendance are not cures for Endo, and anyone suggesting otherwise is not current on disease facts.

Though the medical community is still unsure as to the exact cause(s) of Endo, current research indicates inheritance, immunological, toxicant and multifactorial components. There is no out-and-out cure for Endo even presently, deplorably, but proper treatment and long possession symptomatic nouns for Endo lies next to untimely diagnosis and proper intervention. Too repeatedly, teens and women are subjected to misdiagnosis, delayed diagnosis, repeat ineffective medical or surgical therapy, unnecessary hysterectomies, a complete removal of kindness and dismissive travels by those who support for them, repeat ineffective procedures, and much more. Knowing precipitate on what the optimum treatments are is switch to dealing beside Endo within the best carriage possible. Good luck to you.

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