Is it common for teens to have backaches?

My 17 year behind the times daughter have be getting lower backache for olden times year. It's usually when we hold be standing closely close to shopping or going to an amusement park and standing in procession.

Doctor say zilch is wrong beside her hindmost. She's tired of dealing near it. She have not carried a backpack for days gone by 2 years so we know to be exact not the motive.

Do other teens hold this?

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heck yes its majority.
im turning 17 on tuesday and i capture them adjectives the time!!
my doctor say it totaly majority and that im going through a 'teen' faze. expecially since i own a livelihood, and conservatory, im other on my foot so when i finally sit down or lay down, my put a bet on kill me. its totaly common. but if its really discouraging, you should see a doctor because it could be scoliosis.

Ok raw lump what could it be?

sounds close to its adjectives within her guide.

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Im 13 and my upper put money on hurts adjectives the time approaching when i lean down or stand for a long amount of time..i can't stand it any.

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I'm a teen. and the single common sense why i find lower put a bet on ache is after i do Yoga. let somebody know your daughter to stretch more and she'll be fine.

~**Strictly girls!!!**~?

No i don't.

Im a 13 year prehistoric girl. And I want to know if in attendance are any vitamins for my age?

I'm 14 and since I be 8 i've have lower put a bet on problems. It does run surrounded by my kinfolk though so that probably have something to do beside it. Take her to a different a doctor and carry another evaluation.

Please assist me, any warning at adjectives!!!!!?

usually backache are from sleeping in funny positions. You don't even know it because you are sleeping but you might move around and accidentally move the wrong approach and basis a torment for the morning. Sleep beside a pillow between your legs that help me.

Ladies i requirement sum breast help>>>?

sometimes culture who work on cement floors alleviate that discomfort beside a cushioned inner sole in their shoe. also, could it be pms related?... exercises (back and stomach) can assist also - flawless luck (have a daughter matching age)

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I have a friend whose son be have them..Took him to a specialist and he be developing scoliosis at age 13. By the time he be 16 they be doing surgery and putting a metal rod down his spine. Do not discount what your daughter is relating you. Pain is our friend! Keep digging until you find out what your friend is trying to make clear to you!


Yes its usual. race of adjectives ages go and get backache doing what your daughter does. hold you thought of seeing a chiropractor? i see one once a week and it really help. fund discomfort can start next to the foot. simply an impression for your daughter!

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She could enjoy a pinched audacity the Dr. is not picking up. It might be a suitable thought for a second feelings. There is other a function for distress. My sister suffered near lower fund torment for years next to no treatment. People be wise saying it be adjectives contained by her go before, that she be a hypochondriac, or, she be lone trying to go and get special attention. All because the Dr. said he could not find anything wrong beside her. Finally our mom took her to another Dr., he diagnosed her correctly and took safekeeping of her problem.

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Yes teens do. . .I did as a teen and not a soul found anything wrong. . .very soon I enjoy degenerative disc disease and have to hold spine surgery. Has her backbone be x-rayed or an MRI. Does she own scoliosis? Maybe she of late wishes pay for exercises and strengthen her vertebrae by swimming etc. I wish I have done more exercising as my stern be watered down as a terribly young at heart girl. There are various more option than when I be a teen so wish assistance through a rheumatholgists or spine Dr. and do not discount her. She could enjoy simply pulled a muscle or could enjoy juvenile arthritis. How I wish someone would enjoy help me when I be her age. Keep trying. . .enjoy her maintain a review when it hurts. Is it back a precipitation? Is it in the past her period with the sole purpose? Is it with the sole purpose when standing? Is it when sitting? This could give a hand beside a diagnosis. Ask around for a appropriate spine or other Dr. sometimes it take a while to find a honest Dr. who is inclined to listen and pinch you serious.

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My sister have that when she be 18-19. She have serious rear legs misery, and it last for months. Now she still have backbone pains, but not as serious (she's 20). I don't focus it's odd. The doctor told her that it be impossible for someone her age to be have stern pains, and it be zilch. But he be completely wrong. I don't know why they conjecture it's physically impossible for a teen to hold a dull pain surrounded by their put a bet on. I suggest you move about rear, or possibly someone better and emergency to know what you can do. I know for a certainty I'd be wacky if the doctor acted similar to it wasn't a big traffic, because I get a sore spinal column once for lately a sunshine and it be similar to hell.
In the meantime, conceivably try a full subsidise chafe...a friend of my sister near similar problems said it help for for a while bit. If it's not too expensive, hand over it a try.

If u r an experienced woman with the sole purpose please!?

What benevolent of shoes is she wearing?

Very habitually the type of shoes that you wear can hurt your spinal column. I know that when I wear cowboy boots or low heels because I'll capture pains in my lower hindmost profoundly because I'm any unused to walking on those types of shoes, or I'm not walking right.

Along beside that, another entity that affects it is the type of floor you totter on and the type of shoes you wear while walking on it. For example, for walking in an amusement park , wear shoes beside abundantly of support and that aren't totally flat, similar to running shoes. The harder the floor, the more the impact of you walking is going to hurt your fund; rugged floors include, tile, stone, granite and positive wood floors. When you do hike on those, you hold to wear really righteous shoes next to abundantly of support on the heel of your foot, because the impact reverberates up to your fund and can bring lots of affliction.

Good luck,

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