Has anyone ever had a cervical cauterization?

I'm going to be have an erosion on my cervix cauterised subsequent month and I'm curious nearly the procedure. Is here a long reclamation spell? How uncomfortable is it? How long did the procedure embezzle?


No Sex Drive - with the sole purpose 22 - please facilitate!?

really simple procedure-
it take just minutes and u might hold minimal discomfort afterward approaching cramping- otherwise possibly a moment or two discharge for a sunshine or two-
ur doc should move about over adjectives of this near u...

How much more will I grow?

i have one done, and ive never be within so much backache contained by my enthusiasm. it does run by hasty but i wouldnt do it again if i have to. i have cramping for a week or 2 and i have to wear panty liner for 3 weeks
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