What is wrong with me?

anyways i took a pregnancy trial ending month and it be negetive and i get my term in good time, but this month i didn't get hold of my time of year and its 5 days behind and i tested myself again beside the pregnancy assessment and it be still negetive, but consequently my boobs are sore and stuff so im a bit confused, and also the reality that i be stressing bout whether i be pregnant or not, hvnt eat reli much for times past 2 or 3 days, and also hold be sleeping reli overdue for bout this unbroken month around 2-4 am behind schedule, and today my stomach is hurting even after i drink and stuff, so anyone know what could be wrong beside me? thank you <3

CONFUSED please support?

you could a short time ago be stressed and sometimes it can start that you quality symptoms of pregnancy and not be pregnant so stop worrying in the region of that. catch another try-out. cart it FIRST piece contained by the morning when the HCG level are most concentrated. If the testing is still cynical and you still consistency bad, consult your physician.

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your best bet is to move about see a doctor.

but it is middle-of-the-road to own postponed period from time to time.it doesn't necessarily connote you're pregnant of late b/c your term isn't on the dot.

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Well i dont in reality no what is wrong but from what is sounds resembling something is up.. it may be sumthing small or u could be pregnant i suggest going to see your doctor pronto!! I imagine hurriedly because they will be capable of hopefully find an answer to your situation and if you obligation any medication etc minister to u bring treatment ASAP, i suggest a feminine doctor if you grain more comfortable but except bring back a masculine, i really presume u shud see a doctor no issue what masculinity, apt luck! xxx
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