Exercise Advice?

I don't want to lose weight, newly gain muscle in my legs/arms.People say when your exercising, your "sweating away" the pounds.is this true, because in most cases they say aloud you lose breast fat faster,And I don't want to do that, so how do I gain muscle minus losing my boobs?

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Instead of doing a cardio workout, you merely need to bulk train a bit. For your arms you can pick up some hand weights at a sporting stock stores and for your legs you can do toe rises (for your calves) and do lunges and squats (for your butt/thighs).

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You don't have to verbs about losing your breasts. Work out next to light weights do tons repetitions. On alternate days do cardiovascular exercise

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You should stick with cardio and yoga.

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You can gain muscle minus losing your boobs. The key is not to get through less, as though you be on a diet. You actually want to munch through more if you want to gain muscle and not lose fat.

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If you eat more you will still retain or gain shipment. So, you don't have to verbs about losing chest size, but to gain muscle mass you own to do resistance training. There are lots of ways to do it. Free weights, nautilus, isometrics, calisthenics, etc. Usually free weights give the fastest results within muscle gain, but they are also the most dangerous, and you should enjoy a training partner or coach.

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You just gotta munch through the right foods. Make sure your eating plenty of proteins. I wouldn't verbs about the boob entity. That will only shrinking if your doing some serious cardio. If you want to tone, just do some street light, repetitive lifting. (3 reps at 15 each) That will help tone in need losing much poundage. I am a gym instructor by the way ;)

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The best mode to get your legs strong is to use a treadmill. For you arms start next to a 20lb wait on respectively arm and lift them for some time respectively day. Just lift it easy so you don't sweat that much. This course your boobs can stay the size they are.

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You wont lose your boobs if you devour good. Do weight-training to catch muscular. Keep doing a cardio but just not as frozen.

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