What is wrong with me?????...

Okay (sry this is long)....
So roughly speaking two weeks ago I have sex w/o a condom. Ive with the sole purpose slept near this one guy and from what i know (can enlighten lol) hes single be w me. I be on light of day 16 of my cycle and not on bc pills. So something like 5 days following my lower tummy begin to hurt. I figure it be a uti bc i usually go and get those. All i do is drink cranberry liquid and give somebody a lift azo pills. The strain never go away. So afterwards my vagina begin itching greatly extraordinarily weakly. So i begin using vagisil. That still never go away. Today the "lips" are swolen and tremendously unusual looking. I dont know what is wrong w me!! I also may be pregnant which i am worried almost! (I took 2 test today from dollar tree come up neg. but may own be too rash bc i havent missed a time yet). So I dont know what is wrong w me! Any philosophy? HELP PLEASE.

Also tomorow i plan on going any to the gyno (which ive never be too b4 im 18) or my regular doctor.

My time is supposed to come from today-sunday.

Girls..at what age do you start going to the OB/GYN ?

Sounds similar to you hold a yeast infection. GO see a doc and procure it checked out. You can see your regular doc for this. SInce you are 18 and sexually involved you presently requirement a every twelve months pap and pelvic exam so form an appointment to bring that done too when you produce the emergency appointment for your current problem.

How do i take extra vigina skin sour of me minus surgery?

It's other best to consult a doctor.. not a bunch of dumb/\sses on Yahoo.

O K i stipulation HELP!!! (women only)?

yeast infection, at the lowest possible. Could be an STD. And, might be pregnant, if discomfort of the breasts is any indication (and it be for me!!). Have they grown (your boobs).

Anyways, what the hell do you expect when you hold sex next to some guy beside no condom and no birth control? Didn't you be in motion to arts school?

Abdominal pain-cause for concern?

well your going to the doctor
tomorrow, so why dont you just
have a chat to him?

Could excess quill be a hormonal entry? can you knob it beside hormone replacement?

you really necessitate to see a doctor.

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First i hold to update you, i am surprised that ANYBODY would enjoy sex minus a condom next to someone previously they both take tested for STD'S and also somemone who is not committed to you. Are you crazy? Dont you love your time. Do you know that from that one shoddy encounter you could any own herpes, syphilis, clamidia, or god forbid, HIV. oh, and let not forget pregnancy. WHY WHY WHY WHY. Young those stop man so stupid, your enthusiasm is worth more than a damn boy.

Anyway, to answer you give somebody the third degree, your breasts could be tender due to your interval, thats regular, it could also be exact u r pregnant.

You may hold developed an infection from his dirty penis, HENCE THE ITCHING, or he could enjoy carried the trait from another girl he slept next to and passed it to you. he will not show signs produce men are not artificial, but they can miss it on.

Imagine, he carried another girls wicked vagina juice to your vagina and also the repulsive juice fron the guy that other girl may own slept near.EEEEEEEKKKKK. WHEN YOU HAVE SEX WITH SOME ONE WITHOUT A CONDOM, YOU SLEEP WITH EVERYBODY else THEY SLEPT WITH TOO. remember that.


sounds to me similar to u may be pregnant and possibly own an STD.. u may want to get hold of checked asap!
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