what age do you start going to the OB/GYN ?
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i started at 15-- if you are sexually moving they will experiment you for some STD's and save they will probably still do a pap smear to bring in sure everything is regular.. It may be uncomfrontable but remember that doctors look at vaginas adjectives time and yours it no different.. Good luck-- The before you start to progress, the better and more comfrontable you become
I'm embarassed for my doctor to look down in that!!?
18 or when you become sexually busyI go at 18..... probably time to be paid an appt.! :) Good luck
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18 or when becoming sexually movingI have a miscarriage three months ago and?
it in actuality depends... some doctors recommend 16 mete out thats when everythings developing and the doctor can see if anythings wrong.. some doctors enunciate when you become sexually stirring or when your thinkin roughly speaking becoming sexually live... and other doctors say aloud 1818 is the age
the best answer will be 18 or when you start thnking roughly have sex, whichever comes first. You should definitly sort an appointment, if money is an issue try Planned Parrenthood. If you're curious around what will happer, here's a prompt run down.
Go near a womanly doctor, you'll have a feeling track more comfortable, they will do a pelvic exam and a papsmear. The exam will require the Dr. to press on your belly, and perceive around inside of you, she'll check your ovaries and other organs. Then to execute the Pap she'll put ina speculum, looks resembling a duck beak and she will overt your cervix beside that, this doesn't hurt but its not pleasurable, try to relax and consent to your mind drift. She'll appropriate a swab near a really big q-tip and you can ask her to check for STDs if you deliberate it's indispensable. She'll also do a breast exam which may also have a feeling rather unexpected at first but this is why I recommend a feminine Dr. Tell her it's your first time and I'm sure she'll be more thanhappy to tolerate you know what she's doing as sh'e doing it.
What do you adjectives know going on for ovarian cysts?
18 or sexually helpful is the rule. They say-so 18 because later you're an fully fledged and hopefully wouldn't perceive to red or shy or grain similar to you be forced to do something a child shouldn't hold to do. if the girl is instigate and you can discuss to her something like how crucial it is to clutch trouble of your strength and she isn't against the hypothesis of going (most are) it's polite to start not long after mestruation begin. So I would enunciate 15 or 16 even save sexually influential.I started going at age 21. Usually they lately present you a breast exam and pap spear once a year. You can also inquire roughly speaking birth control or capture tested for STDs.