They wont remove it?

i am a 30 year ancient feminine who just now have a fna on a breast lump.the results come subsidise benign even though i be told in attendance be insufficient cell indication.the lump they voice is a fibroadenoma.when i asked if they could remove it to impart me piece of mind they told me it be too small even though it is the size of a pea.i presently trepidation that within years to come i will develop breast i worrying over nil?

Is it ok to injure an attacker?

The likelihood of a that becoming a cancer is around duplicate as any cell surrounded by your breast becoming a cancer cell. Any cell can become cancerous. With what you describe it may grow larger over time and in time it I don`t know something that you would want removed but at this time it wouldn't take home any sense to do so.

Still no time of year?

better ask for a second judgment on qualified doctors and surgeons

If done properly, can any woman ejaculate?

Get a second belief if you are concerned. Usually these things are totally benign but in extremely sporadic cases doctors hold be wrong. Get it checked by someone else. And file I did articulate extremely sporadic cases...

Will it still hurt when i hold sex?

Iagree near the other two, achieve a second evaluation.

have you ever played next to yourself while driving?

keep your checking appointments,don't be too verbs, sometimes surmise negatively could create things harder, the dr. should know if things procure worse, decision u all right
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