Is it ok to injure an attacker?

if mortal attacked, can i hurt/injure the attacker?

Why do women's period synchronize if they are around eachother.?

Yes! You would be acting in self-defense.

I be attacked going on for 25 years ago. I be bloodied, bruised, bang up. You know, the cop in truth have the audacity to come and put on trial me of attacking the guy because he have a bloody antenna (only). I looked at that cop through my swollen eyes and told him the guy get what be coming to him, but I never remembered lay a appendage on the guy.

My wife become terribly loose after childbirth. I don't be aware of anything presently when we own sex?

Kick em' within the ball if he doesn't know how to treat a woman!

I'm 47 haven't have a spell for 6-7 months, today I did, but extremely oil lamp. Is this commonplace for premenopause

Sure is! Whatever you hold to do to hide away your own b*tt, do it. Hopefully you won't enjoy this problem but what would you a bit do..confrontation subsidise or be kill by a attacker.

For the Ladies - I'm intensely sore down here, whats wrong?

yeah is call self defense female..

Breats increase pills?

Hell yes I vote do anything to maintain ur self from self raped,kill what ever u enjoy the right to maintain ur self locked.

Am I podginess?I'm 13, 14 surrounded by 2 wks, 5ft4 and weigh 8stone, (112 pounds). is this butter?

Beat him until he can't move! Kick, screech, cut into, slap, gouge his eyes.formulate HIM hurt. It's call SELF DEFENSE. Co-worker's sister be at the shopping arcade a few years ago. Guy tried to take her purse and she held on until she could acquire close satisfactory. She kicked him surrounded by the crotch and when he go down.broke his snout, both cheek bones, broke an eyesocket bone...almost lost his eye, fractured his chin, broke 5 ribs tore his ear almost stale...more but I can't remember. And Alicia individual weigh 110 lbs! She in recent times wouldn't stop until someone come along and pulled her rotten him. YAY ALICIA! (happened within Chesapeake, Va)

Can u use the tub hose down?

If I am person attacked, I will do everything and anything to stop the attack, even if it technique butchery.
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