
I am facing the possibility of needing a hysterectomy due to cancer. I am just 30 years old. Should this become crucial, what can I expect, especially concerning the sudden change contained by my hormones?

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I went through that a few years ago and the convert was not sudden at adjectives. Except for the initial soreness and taking care of yourself you shd not surface anything abnormal. You enjoy alot to deal beside all at one time and smoothly you will be running a gamut of emotions. That is usual. If it is cancer I am not sure they can give you hormone replacements. The substantial thing is to bring care of it and especially pinch care of yourself. You will amaze yourself at your strength i am guessing.
Good Luck and God Bless.

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I have a hysterectomy when I was 27. I'm 56 presently. Just the removal of your uterus will not cause you hold hormonal problems.

If the ovaries are removed also then you will stir into "surgical menopause." Your doctor can prescribe HRT therapy for you so that you do not experience the affects of menopause.

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at your age your ovaries will stay i am sure so there will be no hormone issues. if however they removed your ovaries afterwards you would need to be on an HRT.

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My heart go out to you for having to facade this, but it is totally curable, so just relax.

As for the hysterectomy, it's a technically easy surgery in a minute a days, with give or take a few a 7 day seizure period. As for hormonal supplementation, that will between your GYN and you. I craving you the very best of luck and will remember you within my prayers.

I am afraid some people don't work out my question clearly ,?

Please, please read adjectives you can on Bio-Identical hormones.
There are many articles on the lattice . Good luck!

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Best of luck to you - I just turned 30 myself and am facing one at the failure of this month because of cysts, polyps and fibroids. The procedure nowadays is profusely simpler than it used to be, as well as the recouping time. As for the hormonal changes, that primarily depends on whether or not they depart your ovaries. If they do take them, at hand is hormone replacement therapy available. Not adjectives women require this though.

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