What makes male testicles weak?

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The human body is CHOCK full of weakness. The abdominal cavity contains a HUGE artery running down the middle of it, plus two arteries that branch past its sell-by date into the legs; any of these points could sever and eradicate a individual surrounded by second. The throat is not as resourcefully protected as it should be; nor is the spinal column. The skull is a watered down and fragile film for the most significant organ of adjectives...one sharp whack to the facade and you're limp.

Don't verbs out the femininity card. Women are not an iota tougher than men...our breasts, clitoris, and vaginal walkway are merely as tender as the rest of your body...especially your precious testicles.

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It be a misplaced alteration after Achilles took it
contained by the heel -- they be designed to be placed bringing up the rear a
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You own to know that the testicles are the equivalent of womanly's ovaries, and own be developped differently during the pregnancy. The testicules are outside the mannish's body because the sperm could not survive for a long time contained by a envirronment of 37°C, which is the middle-of-the-road body inner body. If womens have their ovairies outside their bodies too, they would spatter on the floor within aching too if they take hit contained by the crotch.

And by the agency, this have nought to do contained by the Women's Health booth.
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