Question about..?

okay so I'm belatedly on my term, and I can't be pregnant wreak I'm a virgin. does anybody know why I'm slow?

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If you are merely starting your interval, you may not be regular all the same. Give it a few months to find a template.

i requirement serve!!! ASAP?


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stress will cause u behind time !

Is it ok to try and conceive?

It can be stress or travel or a few things. If you've one and only missed it this month. Wait until your subsequent cycle. If it's still unpunctually, see you GYN or primary prudence.

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if ur unsullied to the integral spell point than it never on schedual if than stress

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Sometimes a moment ago stress. Plus, if you are still a minor, your body might be still trying to regulate itself. Also, if you own be sick lately, that would also push it fund rather.

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There are frequent reason why you could be past due, almost adjectives are not a verbs. Sometimes woman even can skip a interval.
But are you sure your not pregnant, even genital rubbing can result in pregnancy.

Help please!?


How can women seize horny and how can i bring in them that instrument.?

It could be stress...or did you start working out...or even if you stopped working out.

How does ??

There are so frequent reason why you could be slowly, you should really see a doctor. It could be zilch more than stress, but it could be a symptom of a larger medical issue. It could be something that can be fixed beside hormones, or it could be something more serious. There's no approach to know unless you see a doctor, asap.

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Stress would be the #1 factor, I be 2 weeks behind once, so pass it time, I call by doctor to fashion an appt and the time beforehand I be suppose to dance to the dr, I get my time of year...if it doesnt come put a bet on within 2 weeks I would phone up a doctor and see what they speak, they may ask you to come surrounded by for an appt.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

It is conventional to enjoy unpredictable period while your youthful. If you hold have a length for 4years of more you might want to return with checked for PolyCycstic Ovarian Syndrome. Just a suggestion.

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Everybody is different, I've have my time for 5 years and I'll be regular for awhile and after own a unpunctually on or an untimely one. I am also a virgin so its probably simply stress or if you've be sick anytime lately, There are several reason as to a woman human being postponed... Just relax =)

Why do females enjoy this?

it could merely b stress


i articulate stress. i missed mine too this month because i be SOOOOOOO stressed. its fine
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