Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome(PCOS),if one woman is suffering from this disease and is the age of 20.she doesn't enjoy problems contained by conceiving but is overweight,have acne,excess body down,.......she requirements to seize treated for her overweight.already she is on a low carbohydrate diet and doing regular exercise.but still no muffle contained by counterweight.r at hand medecines which can give a hand surrounded by immensity loss and the immensity doesn't increase again when one completes the medication course?please help

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Your best bet at losing solidity is to properly treat your PCOS. You should be intake a low carb diet, exercise, and using an insulin sensitizing drug such as metformin. Keep in mind that this is not a treatment that you will bear and later stop after you lose shipment. It is treatment that you should be on adjectives the time. That will back you verbs any bulk loss.

I recommend seeing a reproductive endocrinologist. They are across the world more well-versed almost PCOS and the correct treatment. Unfortunately, plentiful doctors are not aware of the proper treatment.

The underlying inflict of PCOS is insulin resistance (IR). The best treatment for PCOS is going on an insulin sensitizing drug such as metformin (1500-2550mg per day) combined near a low carb diet and exercise. There are a few essential things to know:

1. Many women "pass" the try-out for IR, but still respond positively from the metformin. No one know exactlly why..my thought is that the experiment is not a sure fire process of detecting the IR.

2. You must be on a illustrious ample dose of metformin. I've hear women complain that their bodies dont start working even though they've be on metformin for awhile. Some doctors are sceptical to up the dose ancient 1500mg...but for some of us it take more. I don't respond until my dose is around 2000mg a hours of daylight.

3. It can lug a few months on the correct dose, until that time your body is regulated.

4. It is impressive to treat your PCOS even if you are not trying to bring back pregnant. There are sophisticated risks for copious things (high blood pressure, blood clots, diabetes, and plentiful other things) when you hold PCOS, but if it is treated properly, later those risks are lowered.

When the PCOS is treated properly, adjectives of your symptoms may not disappear, but they should upgrade some. It will also be abundantly easier to lose solidity (and keep hold of it off). Our bodies work against us when we try to lose bulk on our own, making it nearly impossible to lose counterweight.

There are TONS of books something like PCOS and dieting. There are two that I recommend. Here's the links at amazon for those:

I also recommend a couple net sites:

http://messageboards.ivillage.com/iv-bhp... This one is a great message board where on earth you can ask adjectives your PCOS question or basically chat next to the women who are also dealing next to PCOS. Good luck

Women please.?

it is customarily treated beside glucophage (metformin), this help greatly, but not adjectives women next to PCOS lose consignment.. It have to be a generous dose and they in general build you up to that.

I hold have it since I be surrounded by my teens and I am 44 in a minute and they still own not be competent to fix mine. I hold ALL of the symptoms, it totally bites!

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