Is it ok to wear a pantyliner while swimming?

I'm going to my friend's cottage tomorrow and I'm finishing my time of year. Actually, I'm on sunshine 5 and it usually doesn't concluding this long, but I muse it'll die down tomorrow.

I don't wear tampons, plus I don't regard it would be a apt conception to wear one near a flimsy flow. I freshly don't want my bathing suit to attain dirty and enjoy blood escape through.

So my interview is if anyone have tried only wearing a pantyliner, and if it help or if it be a fruitless perception. Thanks :)

I'm contained by a state that doesn't enjoy any?

hell no!!

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NO! lol... what's wrong near tampons? they're fine to wear next to a bedside light flow... that's why they produce lites

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Ummm no, don't wear a pantyliner, your solely opportunity is to wear a tampon.

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I shouldn`t walk swimming if you`re going to wear liner, it`ll probably float sour down the pool.

Hey i hold be hunch not a hundred percent?

don't wear a pantyliner... it will disintegrate in the river and is in truth fruitless for the dampen.

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generally you don't seep or bleed when you're contained by the river. Go swimming and as soon as you catch out put something on. You won't bleed or irratate your suit. Trust me.

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Noooo! Everything on it will be wash bad within the river. Tampons sweetie. If it's not plenty for a tampon after stay out of the dampen until it's gone.

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No..It will come past its sell-by date, because of the hose down damp the stickey screened-off area. It's newly flow right past its sell-by date.
You can other use a small tampon. If you're worried in the region of asking your parents, lately give an account them you're going on a trip and you really necessitate tampons! Many girls wear tampons, its' conventional.
But if you really don't want to, for anything function, after don't budge swimming. And you influence its dying down, you may be capable of cheat it. Sometimes your menstural cycle will slow down, and the flow will stop contained by the wet, so if you are bleeding, not a soul will be capable of enlighten, unless its close to within the pool contained by clear dampen.
But i wouldn't count on it.
Safest agency, tampon.
Hope that help!

Questions just about hymens - girls with the sole purpose please?

doesn`t matter what you do dont wear a panty liner while swimming
the panty liner will saturate beside hose and loose its sticky rear and finale up floating in the marine subsequent to you
and i dont want you to be embarrassed
.. so i would wear a tampon ..
hope that help ..

I perceive Tired, Moody and I'm 3weeks Late on my Period but I'm Irregular. What's Wrong With ME?!!?

ugh, period ruin everything!! haha. don't wear a pantyliner. it will involve river and do no moral at adjectives, it might even float away...that would suck! tampons are fine to wear next to a table lamp flow, but i guess that wouldn't do any right if you don't wear them...i would only just hope that your extent stops...otherwise, you hold a "doctor's appointment" that year, remember? haha basically kid...obedient luck!


NO! Go and buy the tampons for teens. They are smaller and are for a lighter flow.

You can bring a few along and maintain them within a pouch surrounded by the bathroom. Whenever you walk, embezzle the one out and check it for amount of blood. If you expect it have stopped don't insert another. If you regard as you are starting to outflow, budge put another surrounded by!

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Don't wear a pantyliner. Wear a hurricane lantern absorbancy tampon.

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Bad theory, wear a tampon for the few short hours you will be surrounded by the hose.

read here:

Is this odd?

No, pantiliners are not appropriate for swimming beside. If you are still bleeding, even lately delicately, a tampon is fine as long as you don't wear it for a long spell of time.

my mom hate it that i use tampons wat do i do?

BAD IDEA! within not marine proof.
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