I feel Tired, Moody and I'm 3weeks Late on my Period but I'm Irregular. What's Wrong With ME?!!?

I Took a Pregnancy Test Last week and it come out Negative!

If i shave beside in recent times soap and hose down..?

There are other things that can deferral your extent (stress, individual drastically physically stirring, etc). If you regard as here is a indiscriminate that you may be pregnant you should whip another tryout (maybe even try a different brand). No concern what the results, you should phone call your MD. If not for a prenatal call on afterwards at lowest possible for them to numeral out why you aren't getting your time of year. Good luck.

* I newly read what you added. Congrats on the pregnancy!! Best of luck to you.*

Why does my chest consistency tight?

How's your diet? My spell is legally regular but I observe my cycle change depending on how natural I get through. Weight is a factor too, if you're overweight you're more promising to be irregular, and if you're really underweight you may stop have your spell. It could also only just be that you're have a unexpected month and you're scantily PMSing because your hormones are a bit more mad than usual. You might try the pregnancy experiment again, simply because you might own adequate pregnancy hormone presently to tryout positive (it take a few days for the hormone stratum to return with soaring ample for the home pregnancy theory test to read it). If adjectives else fail, and you're really worried, see your doctor. I wouldn't madness even so, I missed a spell once, for no motivation as far as I could see. It happen. The joy of womanhood, eh?

Does Muslim women other shave their pubic down?

I would nickname your doctor for a blood audition. Ask him to assessment your thyroid for sure. There can be so several cause for why you perceive close to you do....hormones, adrenals, you identify it.

Okay I own a leading feminine problem!?

if it continues walk to the doctor and exp[lain how you surface and definetely enjoy your thyroid checked.

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