Which is moody place in womens body?


is the support section of the belly?

in actuality it is the second chockra nouns of late below the belly button. The first chokra is the lower one Where most men reside. The second chokra is the wild one. Feelings of departure, loneliness, dearth of love, or the divergent, depending on the auditory collection.

Whats wrong near me??

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Buddy above theres get a point from a metaphysical stand point the "moody center" of a womans body is the Sacral chakra beside vibrate next to the colour ginger. This chakra take thought of the womanly organs sexual vivacity etc. when theres an lack of correspondence contained by the Swadhisthanna it can wreak dramatic mood swings. Meditating on the colour Orange or simply wearing or consumption ginger foods can normally correct a subtle inconsistency.
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