Can I postpone my periond?

I am 23 years old-fashioned and I am not on any birth control right in a minute. I enjoy a hot date subsequent weekend and my term is suppost to be coming,is near anyway I can postpone my interval?

Lygonon ED?

It would be easier to postpone the date.

im contained by class 11 and i still haven't developed full breasts, what do i do?

That's uncomplicated. You can be interval free for 9 months. How give or take a few that. It's call man pregnant.

Xbox 360 + Blood-shot eyes?

Going on birth control can deferral it. Many women use this trick for their wedding/honeymoon. If you start taking the alive pills in a minute until the come to an end of the weekend, you should be capable of obstruction it. You may go and get for a time spotting, but not ample for him to make out.

Also, if he's only just a date and not someone you enjoy an exclusive long occupancy relationship beside, you should use a condom too.

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