
I be diagnosed near adenomyosis. But none of the symptoms or cause fit me. They simply found out through an ultrasound. Just be wondering if anyone else have this an what their story of it is. Going to take a second belief from a gyno if anyone is wondering.

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Adenomyosis cannot be 100% accurately diagnosed in need histological confirmation, substance pathology taken during a hysterectomy. Unlike standard Endometriosis, however, the diagnosis and the definitive treatment are indistinguishable (hysterectomy will cure the condition). If none of the symptoms fit you, and the "diagnosis" be singular obtain through an U/S (which is virtually impossible), you will patently want to follow through on the 2nd belief call on to discuss other possible diagnoses and treatments. Endometrial thicken is not indistinguishable as Adeno, and could own be mistaken on the U/S. Adeno cause (from first mitt experience) excessively fatty and long-winded menses (to the point of anemia), excruciating menstrual cramping, bleeding sex, and sciatic-like subsidise cramp, among other symptoms. It also appears boggy and immense or swollen on diagnostics and during surgery. Other women next to Adeno don't even know they hold it and own no symptoms at adjectives. I aspiration you luck and hope you win to the bottom of doesn`t matter what might be cause your symptoms and achieve the nouns you deserve. Best wishes.

I dont know how to explain?

I hold it and it is gruesome Adenomyosis is a medical condition characterized by the presence of ectopic endometrial tissue (the inner bin liner of the uterus) inside the myometrium (the glutinous, muscular vein of the uterus).

The condition is typically found surrounded by women contained by the ages between 35 and 50. Patients near adenomyosis can own uncomfortable and/or profuse menses (dysmenorrhea & menorrhagia, respectively).

Adenomyosis may involve the uterus focally, creating an adenomyoma, or diffusely. With diffuse involvement, the uterus become bulky and heavier.
it hurts

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