(To girls..dont think guys can answer, well maybe...) When you shave/wax your legs...?

How tons of you shave/wax above the knees....once you do it, can you no lonmger do it or is the fuzz too thick/hard by next...teach me!

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Yes, you can shave above your knees. Hair will not grow surrounded by thicker or dark, that is to say an feeble wives's story and is not true.

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i do it and never enjoy those problem, you know it never seem to grow put money on immediately.

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Are you truism you wax the tresses on your thighs? I am not kindly this cross-question.....perchance you should post it again.

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The spike above my knees doesn't grow as hurriedly or sticky as below the knees so I just shave it once every two weeks or so. My husband can't even narrate when I want to shave.


I'm a lucky one. I hardly ever shave my legs. The pelt on them is so blonde & fine you can't even see it, but it does gain pretty long after a long while. So when I do do it, I shave them to the top of my knees bonnet. After that near isn't really any pelt near.

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The more you do it the smaller quantity it will grow function anyone it get pulled from the root where on earth shaving a short time ago cuts..... Different skin types can own some adverse affects so be locked!

Help!! ladies?

I don't hold to shave above the knees any...the down at hand is so fine that you really can't communicate its nearby..and doesn't seem to be as much as on the below knees pelt...immediately further up the rank very soon thats another story!! dislike that nouns


I do.......it really doesn't grow final luckily......

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I do above the knees. After shaving for a while the tresses comes smaller quantity gooey and it is easier.

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Only some girls hold pelt above their knees. It's a examine of how much testosterone (male hormones) you hold within your bloodstream. If you've exceedingly little you won't hold any significant amount of fuzz even below your knees.

If you've get pelt above the knees it's a sign you've get seriously of testosterone and you're into the sort of spine growth cut-out that's more adjectives surrounded by males.

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I now and then shave above the knees contained by the winter time. Its not really compulsory, and as the pelt get olden the stubble stage, its pretty soft (and mine is so blond, you can't even see it). In the summer though, I run adjectives the course up to the bikini dash.

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wax my adjectives legs

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