Can anyone tell me about a breast needle biopsy? Does it hurt? How long does the procedure take?


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A breast hypodermic biopsy usually is not all that sore during the procedure, as they use a local anesthetic to numb the nouns in the past inserting the syringe. That said, it can hurt afterwards, once the anesthetic wear past its sell-by date. Ice pack and anti-inflammatories similar to ibuprofen and acetaminophen can serve. Some women also hold bruising at the biopsy site. If you are almost to experience a biopsy, you requirement to speak next to the doctor who is performing the procedure, or his/her forgiving assistance nurse to explain the steps in detail. The time of the procedure will alter depending on the biopsy method used. (see link) Good luck!

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The procedure take up to an hour. They insert a plunger directly into the breast and it does sting. The switch is not too look at the nozzle and remember that this assessment is to help out you.

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You will surface singular a snatched sting from the syringe if you hold a local anesthetic to numb the skin. You may grain some pressure when the biopsy hypodermic is put contained by. After a fine-needle aspiration biopsy, core needle biopsy, or stereotactic biopsy, the site may be tender for 2 to 3 days.

During a stereotactic biopsy, it may be complicated to sprawl still during the biopsy. For 24 hours after the biopsy, do not do any cloying lifting or other events that stretch or verbs the muscles of your chest.

If you own broad anesthesia for an begin breast biopsy, you will not be awake during the biopsy. After you waken, the nouns may be numb from a local anesthetic that be put within the biopsy site. You will also perceive sleepy for several hours.

For 1 to 2 days after an expand biopsy, you may get the impression tired. You may also enjoy a mild sore throat from the tube that be used to abet you breathe during the biopsy. Using throat lozenges and gargle next to heat saline river may minister to next to the sore throat.

After an plain biopsy, your breast may quality tender, firm, swollen, and bruised. The discomfort should move about away within roughly a week, and the bruising fade inside 2 weeks. However, the firmness and swelling may second for 6 to 8 weeks. You can wear a bra or sports bra for support for 2 to 3 days after the biopsy. Do not do any weighty lifting or other comings and goings that stretch or verbs the muscles of your chest.

ummm anyone know what to do?

The procedure take more or less an hour, and your doctor will bestow you a local anesthetic. You can read more give or take a few the procedure here

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I hold have bi-lateral biopsies on my breasts. It is raw. I put myself mentally out of the picture and try not to focus on what is scheduled. It is not un-endurable throbbing and will not effect you to shaky or anything resembling that. Try to not look when they do this as sometimes it brings you stern to the torment and near may be a bit drop of blood. It is far better to shift through this than an operation. I'm near you sister, travel to your at ease place and you'll be fine.

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I have this done a few years ago next to no backache at adjectives. The syringe be so fine that I did not even consistency it be in motion surrounded by, at hand be merely a sting once the syringe be inside my breast and that be it. So try not to stress to much going on for it because it is over so in a flash you'll only just even spot it

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