Odds of getting free birth control pills from Planned Parenthood?

I'm a 20 y/o of minimal income. I'm looking to acquire on BC and since I don't hold insurance, I be considering PP. I've hear they tailor the price of the exam/cost of pills to your income. I spawn in the region of $8/hr. and work 30-35 hrs. a week (as does my bf, we work/live together.. him making slightly more). By the time we're done paying our utilities, phone bills, cable bills, rent, etc. I unanimously own around $50-$80 extra spending brass, and that adjectives go towards groceries (barely) and gas (mostly).

My biggest concern is that even though I unanimously verbs contained by $850-$1000 (at most) a month, near their sliding amount pricing, would I still be charged a ridiculous price for these services? I'll be honest, I own friends that take free BC pills where on earth they live and it's only just.. FREE! They basically obtain the exam/pills for free, no entail for income information.

And mortal even MORE honest, I'd reeeally resembling free BC. Who doesn't resembling free stuff? And person broke sucks, I'm trying to avoid poverty and more billls.

panty liner?

Just stir to PP. It depends where on earth you live. Different states enjoy different funding for it. When I be making smaller amount money I be getting it adjectives for free. They give the exam and a year worth of birth control for free. This be surrounded by Los Angeles. Go down within and address to them, recount them your situation and ask them how much it will cost you.

Don't listen to some of these other folks. It's devout to see that you are responsible plenty to toy with your bills and know what money you enjoy vanished over. It's awfully responsible that you are getting birth control and not have children you can't afford.

any flawless remedies for blotting, gas, extra nouns contained by the stomach?

Get out of this ridiculous mentality and capture a clue. Learn to hold on to your legs shut when you're not even married - that's the best birth control (and the simply type that you should be practicing).

Get rid of that bum (pig) you're living next to, stop man a pig yourself and turn your natural life around. You don't call for to progress to that dumb clinic.

Bumps on Vagina?

If you own insurance you wont receive it free.
I know someone that make in the order of duplicate amount as you and she be offered 40 dollars for the first exam and next 60 for the subsequent appt which would of be her depro shot...


go through social services ,they will dispense you a referrel to lift to(pp), most possible you will qualify.abstinance works too!


Usually, they will offer some discount at Planned Parenting, but not free. There are some organization that may relief to lower the cost, but they typically aim at family beside financial trouble (especially beside children already).

If you necessitate some extra money to cover some things that you see as "more important", why not try budgeting your money a bit better? Try adjectives out the cable (that's $30-50 a month, if more), lug a look at your phone bills (a lot of long distance call, or I don`t know cell phones surrounded by fixture to a land-line? I truly condensed to only just a cell phone, and I resembling it more, plus it's a LOT cheaper).

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With your money situation, sex should be the closing entry on your mind. Invest in some condoms and do the world the favor and do not reproduce!

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i newly go and i fashion 7.75 and work 40 hours a week. My bf make minimum wage and works 40 hours a week..I get them for free..similar to the first 2 months and after they put contained by an application for you to draw from an insurance specifically for them so that you can return with free bc. You should know how to..i contemplate that you can...only just don't forget to bring any a passport or birth tag, driver's license...i deliberate social deposit card and a check stub..or if for some idea you do not own a check stub however seize your work to write you a memorandum containing how copious hours a week you work and your wage. have a feeling free to message me if you enjoy any further question

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if you run to a gynacologist that isn't at planned maternity, and voice you want to dance on birth control they might grant you a few months of sample. i get some.

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I believe they charge a small levy (like $20) and that covers the pills for a year and an exam. Sure is profusely cheaper than paying $40 a week in diapers.

Need some serious warning!?

I know around here, you hold to be 17 or below to seize free birth control pills from planned maternity. Once I turned 18, I have to start paying. It be 60 bucks a pack, but that adjectives depends on the thoughtful you return with.


if you are underneath 18 BC is free at planned motherliness. so the with the sole purpose instrument to find free birth control is if you said you be 17 or younger..i am not sure though on how much it would cost you to gain birth control within beside your income you should call for them.

Whats wrong!!?

im on BC and i take it free. you don't own to hold insurance or money or anything. you can walk to your local county clinic. anything county you live surrounded by only just look up in that free vigour clinic. you can be any age, and they don't ask nearly insurance or income. my mom also works for a clinic so i know these things. its completely free and confidential.
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