What exactly does heartburn feel like?

i enjoy a misery within my chest thats a exceedingly sharp anguish but go away for a second next comes spinal column and does that for awhile, i bring back it for in the order of 20 mins or longer every once in awhile. what could this be...i own no other symptoms..? and im 25 yrs ancient and pregnant, non smoker, i dont chomp through as fighting fit as i should

Girl Help ` how to catch rid of a time?

Heartburn is a burning or bumpy sensation contained by the chest aft the breastbone. It occur when the sour within your stomach travels to the rear into your esophagus (acid reflux). Your throat can also become irritated when exposed to stomach acid over time. Other symptoms include a sour taster surrounded by the mouth, belching, coughing, and wheezing.

Heartburn can be mild and interim, but can also be chronic .
Avoiding caffeine, chocolate, greasy or spicy foods, and alcoholic beverages can back prevent heartburn. Also avoid any foods that directly irritate your stomach including citrus liquid, coffee, and tomato products. Losing counterbalance if needed will also assist control it because excess consignment can mete out food to spinal column up into the esophagus. To backing prevent heartburn, try ingestion smaller meal, avoid intake two to three hours past bedtime, and bring to the fore the go before of your bed six inches.
From your description It appears that it's not heartburn. Definitely consult your doctor.

Questions on Menapause.?

Heartburn is a burning sensation in your chest cause by drinking fruitless foods. What you describe does not nouns resembling heartburn at adjectives and it should be checked by your doctor. Good luck to you...

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